Requires silverbackstudio/wp-email to send emails.
use Svbk\WP;
use Svbk\WP\Email;
* Register forms after theme setup.
* @return void
function register_custom_forms() {
* Set the default email marketing platform and transactional email service
// Sendinblue
'transactional' => new Email\Transactional\SendInBlue,
'marketing' => new Email\Marketing\SendInBlue,
// Mailchimp:
//'transactional' => new Email\Transactional\Mandrill( 'mandrill-apikey' ),
//'marketing' => new Email\Marketing\MailChimp( 'mailchimp-apikey' ),
* Creates a `Subscribe` form named 'trial'
Forms\Manager::create( 'trial', Forms\Subscribe::class,
'marketing_lists' => array( 8 ),
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'register_custom_forms', 11 );
Creates a Contact
form named 'contact' and return the form instance
$trial_form = Forms\Manager::create( 'contact', Forms\Contact::class, [
'admin_template' => 'template-id-or-name',
'user_template' => 'template-id-or-name',
'marketing_lists' => array( 1 ),
'recipient' => new Email\Contact( [ 'email' => env('RECIPIENT_EMAIL') ] ),
// to customize policy flag texts
//'policyScope' => __('<b>[privacy-controller-name]</b> will process your information to respond to your request.', '[textdomain]');
//'policyUnsubscribe' => __('You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the link at the bottom of each email.', '[textdomain]');
//'policyAllText' => __( 'I have read and accept the [privacy-policy-link] and agree to receive personalized promotional informations.', '[textdomain]' );
//'policyAllToggleText' ==> __( 'To select partial consents %s', '[textdomain]' );
//'policyService' => __( 'I have read and agree to the [privacy-policy-link]', '[textdomain]' );
//'policyNewsletter' => __( 'I have read the [privacy-policy-link] and agree to the processing of my data to receive informative material', '[textdomain]' );
//'policyMarketing' => __( 'I have read the [privacy-policy-link] and agree to the processing of my data to receive personalized promotional materials based on my browsing data.', '[textdomain]' );
] );
See silverbackstudio/wp-shortcakes or silverbackstudio/wp-widgets see how to render forms in a shortcode or a widget.