I'm using the latest pip version within a Django 2.2 project (Python 3.6.9).
I could succesfully create customers, providers, product-codes through the API.
I'm trying to create invoices through the API directly (without using plans, because my current use case is a one time invoice for a one time payment for a one time service, even though i plan to use all the features offered by Silver in the future).
The dict in my Python code looks like this.
invoice_dct = {
"due_date": due_date,
"issue_date": due_date,
"customer": customer_url,
"provider": provider_url,
"invoice_entries": [
"description": product_instance.description,
"unit": product_instance.unit,
"quantity": quantity,
"unit_price": product_instance.unit_price,
"product_code": {
"url": get_product_code_copper_url(product_instance.product_code),
"value": product_instance.product_code
"start_date": due_date,
"end_date": due_date,
"prorated": False
"sales_tax_percent": product_instance.sales_tax_percent,
"sales_tax_name": product_instance.sales_tax_name,
"currency": product_instance.currency,
"state": "draft"
Everything works fine (all fields are fed correctly, invoice is created)... except product_code which is null.
I created a product_code entry with a value (let's say value = "test-product" and it's the 1st product-code with a url like ".../product-codes/1/")
I tried feeding an url to the api:
"product-code": ""
I tried feeding it url + value
product-code: {"url": "", "value": "test-product"}
I also tried the value alone:
"product-code": "test-product"
and I even tried the key alone:
"product-code": 1 (or "1")
but nothing works for me, I end up with "product-code": null and I have to add the right product-code FK manually in the admin to have a complete invoice.
Is there a way to inject this data through the API?
Thank you for your outstanding work and for sharing it as free and open source software! :-)