- Website: https://www.terraform.io
- Mailing list: Google Groups
- Terraform 0.10.1+
- Go 1.9 (to build the provider plugin)
- ovftool from VMware. NOTE: ovftool installer for windows doesn't put ovftool.exe in your path. You will need to manually set your path.
- You MUST enable ssh access on your ESXi hypervisor.
- Google 'How to enable ssh access on esxi'
- In general, you should know how to use terraform, esxi and some networking...
Clone repository to: $GOPATH/src/github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-esxi
export GOPATH="/usr/lib"
go get -u golang.org/x/crypto/ssh
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/hashicorp
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hashicorp
git clone https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform.git
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/terraform-providers
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/terraform-providers
git clone https://github.com/josenk/terraform-provider-esxi.git
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-esxi
go build -o terraform-provider-esxi_`cat version`
cp terraform-provider-esxi_`cat version` /usr/local/bin
- This is a Terraform plugin that adds a VMware ESXi provider support. This allows Terraform to control and provision VMs directly on an ESXi hypervisor without a need for vCenter or VShpere. ESXi hypervisor is a free download from VMware!
- If you don't know terraform, I highly recommend you read through the introduction on the hashicorp website.
- VMware Configuration Maximums tool.
- Terraform can import existing Guest VMs, Virtual Disks & Resource pools by name. See wiki page for more info.
- Source image can be a clone of a VM or local vmx, ovf, ova file. This provider uses ovftool, so there should be a wide compatibility.
- Supports adding your VM to Resource Pools to partition CPU and memory usage from other VMs on your ESXi host.
- Terraform will Create, Destroy, Update & Read Resource Pools.
- Terraform will Create, Destroy, Update & Read Guest VMs.
- Terraform will Create, Destroy, Update & Read Extra Storage for Guests.
- This is a Terraform plugin, so you need Terraform installed... :-)
- This plugin requires ovftool from VMware. Download from VMware website. NOTE: ovftool installer for windows doesn't put ovftool.exe in your path. You will need to manually set your path.
- You MUST enable ssh access on your ESXi hypervisor.
- Google 'How to enable ssh access on esxi'
- In general, you should know how to use terraform, esxi and some networking...
Not everyone has vCenter, vSphere, expensive APIs... These cost $$$. ESXi is free!
Download and install Terraform on your local system using instructions from https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html. Clone this plugin from github, build and place a copy of it in your path or current directory of your terraform project.
vi main.tf
# Use the contents of this example main.tf as a template. Specify provider parameters to access your ESXi host. Modify the resources for resource pools and guest vm.
provider "esxi" {
esxi_hostname = "esxi"
esxi_hostport = "22"
esxi_username = "root"
esxi_password = "MyPassword"
resource "esxi_guest" "vmtest" {
guest_name = "vmtest"
disk_store = "MyDiskStore"
# Specify an existing guest to clone, an ovf source, or neither to build a bare-metal guest vm.
#clone_from_vm = "Templates/centos7"
#ovf_source = "/local_path/centos-7.vmx"
network_interfaces = [
virtual_network = "VM Network"
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
terraform show
terraform destroy
provider "esxi"
- esxi_hostname - Required
- esxi_hostport - Optional - Default "22".
- esxi_username - Optional - Default "root".
- esxi_password - Required
resource "esxi_resource_pool"
- resource_pool_name - Required - The Resource Pool name.
- cpu_min - Optional
- cpu_min_expandable - Optional
- cpu_max - Optional
- cpu_shares - Optional
- mem_min - Optional
- mem_min_expandable - Optional
- mem_max - Optional
- mem_shares - Optional
resource "esxi_virtual_disk"
- virtual_disk_disk_store - Required - esxi Disk Store where guest vm will be created.
- virtual_disk_dir - Required - Disk dir.
- virtual_disk_name - Optional - Virtual Disk Name. A random virtual disk name will be generated if nil.
- virtual_disk_size - Optional - Virtual Disk size in GB. Default 1GB.
- virtual_disk_type - Optional - Virtual Disk type. (thin, zeroedthick or eagerzeroedthick) Default 'thin'.
resource "esxi_guest"
- guest_name - Required - The Guest name.
- ip_address - Computed - The IP address reported by VMware tools.
- boot_disk_type - Optional - Guest boot disk type. Default 'thin'. Available thin, zeroedthick, eagerzeroedthick.
- boot_disk_size - Optional - Specify boot disk size or grow cloned vm to this size.
- guestos - Optional - Default will be taken from cloned source.
- clone_from_vm - Source vm to clone. Mutually exclusive with ovf_source option.
- ovf_source - ovf files to use as a source. Mutually exclusive with clone_from_vm option.
- disk_store - Required - esxi Disk Store where guest vm will be created.
- resource_pool_name - Optional - Any existing or terraform managed resource pool name. - Default "/".
- memsize - Optional - Memory size in MB. (ie, 1024 == 1GB). See esxi documentation for limits. - Default 512 or default taken from cloned source.
- numvcpus - Optional - Number of virtual cpus. See esxi documentation for limits. - Default 1 or default taken from cloned source.
- virthwver - Optional - esxi guest virtual HW version. See esxi documentation for compatible values. - Default 8 or taken from cloned source.
- network_interfaces - Array of network interfaces.
- virtual_network - Required for each Guest NIC - This is the esxi virtual network name configured on esxi host.
- mac_address - Optional - If not set, mac_address will be generated by esxi.
- nic_type - Optional - See esxi documentation for compatibility list. - Default "e1000" or taken from cloned source.
- power - Optional - on, off.
- guest_startup_timeout - Optional - The amount of guest uptime, in seconds, to wait for an available IP address on this virtual machine.
- guest_shutdown_timeout - Optional - The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for a graceful shutdown before doing a forced power off.
- virtual_disks - Optional - Array of additional storage to be added to the guest.
- virtual_disk_id - Required - virtual_disk.id from esxi_virtual_disk resource.
- slot - Required - SCSI_Ctrl:SCSI_id. Range '0:1' to '0:15'. SCSI_id 7 is not allowed.
- notes - Optional - The Guest notes (annotation).
- terraform import cannot import the guest disk type (thick, thin, etc) if the VM is powered on and cannot import the guest ip_address if it's powered off.
- It doesn't configure additional scsi controllers yet.
- Only numvcpus are supported. numcores is not supported.
- Doesn't support CDrom or floppy.
- 1.2.1 Fix ssh connection retries.
- 1.2.0 Add support for notes (annotation)
- 1.1.1 Fix, unable to provision ova sources. go fmt.
- 1.1.0 Add Import support.
- 1.0.2 Switch authentication method to Keyboard Interactive. Read disk_type (thin, thick, etc)
- 1.0.1 Validate DiskStores and refresh
- 1.0.0 First Major release
- 0.1.2 Add ability to manage existing Guest VMs. A lot of code cleanup, various fixes, more validation.
- 0.1.0 Add virtual_disk resource.
- 0.0.8 Add virthwver.
- 0.0.7 build vmx from scratch if no source is specified
- 0.0.6 Add power resource.
- 0.0.5 Add network_interfaces resource.
- 0.0.4 Add more stuff.
- 0.0.3 Add memory and numvcpus resource. Add support to update some guests params.
- 0.0.2 Add Resource Pool resource.
- 0.0.1 Init release