Home page: https://healthos-test.vercel.app
Author: Md Sifatul Islam Rabbi
- /login
- /register
- / (if not logged in user will be redirected to /login)
- /orders
- /orders/:id (directly accessing the route will cause the app to crash)
- /account
- /manage
- /products
14h 48m (active development time)
(for state management. minimal and React-ish)react-router-dom
(for managing single page app routes)tailwindCSS
(utility-first CSS framework to speed up dev time)axios
(for http requests)prettier
(for code formatting)
Backend: Using jsonplaceholder
to server mock data. The page data is stored inside db.json
Contains all the atoms of Recoil.js
Contains lower level components/single components of the UI
Contains all the mid level components (sections) of the UI except page/higher level components
Contains custom hooks
Contains page components or higher level components
Contains helpers and common functions
Contains the react-router-dom
routings and the pages
Contains the RecoilRoot
and BrowserRouter
, highest level component