Use case:
- DB-First
- Model generated by dotnet ef cli tool with "scaffold"
To help with making sure the generated model is valid with at least the in-memory provider there should be a method to help out with that.
This does not ensure compatibility with the specific db provider used but as a general check it could be quite useful
Code could look something like this:
public class PersistenceTests
private MyDbContext _myDbContext;
public void SetUp()
var contextOptions = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<MyDbContext>()
_myDbContext = new MyDbContext(contextOptions);
public void ValidateEntityRelationships()
var entityTypes = _myDbContext.Model.GetEntityTypes();
foreach (var entityType in entityTypes)
// We need the class reference to construct the method call
var reference = typeof(PersistenceTests);
// We need the name of generic method to call using the class reference
var methodInfo = reference.GetMethod("AssertFirstOrDefaultIsNull",
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
// This creates a callable MethodInfo with our generic type
var miConstructed = methodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(entityType.ClrType);
// This calls the method with the generic type using Invoke
miConstructed.Invoke(this, null);
// stored procedures are not supported by the inMemoryDatabase and thus can't be verified here
#pragma warning disable S1144
#pragma warning disable IDE0051
/// <summary>
/// This is called via reflection because of that we need to pragma warning disable the linter
/// This method is needed since there is not _myDbContext.Set(Type type) method anymore in ef core
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
private void AssertFirstOrDefaultIsNull<T>() where T : class
#pragma warning restore S1144
#pragma warning restore IDE0051