A faster way to move around (Bash 3+).
While going through "Usage" section please keep in mind that
is NOT an autojump/z/fasd alternative nor they are mutualy exclusive. It doesn't track history, write any logs, nothing like that. It really is just an improvedcd
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shyiko/commacd/master/commacd.bash -o ~/.commacd.bash && \
echo "source ~/.commacd.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
On OS X you'll need to make sure ~/.bashrc is sourced from ~/.bash_profile (http://ss64.com/osx/syntax-bashrc.html).
exports three commands: ,
(for jumping forward), ,,
(backward) and ,,,
All three of them try to match by prefix first. Only if no results are found, will they fallback to substring (fuzzy) matching (0.2.0+).
~$ , des
=> cd Desktop
# move through multiple directories
~$ , /u/l/ce
=> cd /usr/local/Cellar
# allow me to choose directory in case of ambiguous pattern (= multiple choices)
~$ , d
=> 1 Desktop
: <type index of the directory to cd into>
# given two directories jdk7 and jdk8 on the Desktop, cd into jdk8 without hitting
# interactive mode (the one shown above)
~/github$ , ~/d/j*8
=> cd ~/Desktop/jdk8
# cd into directory having 'esk' somewhere in its name
~/github$ , ~/esk # in pre-0.2.0 that would be `, ~/*esk`
=> cd ~/Desktop
# go all the way up to the project root (in this case, the one that has .git in it)
~/github/lorem/src/public$ ,,
=> cd ~/github/lorem
# cd into to the first (closest) parent directory named g*
~/github/vimium/src/public$ ,, g
=> cd ~/github
# substitute jekyll with ghost
~/github/jekyll/test$ ,, jekyll ghost
=> cd ~/github/ghost/test
# jump to some other project (in this case, located in ~/github)
~/github/rook/src/public$ ,,, binlog # in pre-0.2.0 you would need to use `m*binlog`
=> cd ~/github/mysql-binlog-connector-java
As a bonus, all three aliases support <Tab>
expansion (try , /u/lo<Tab>
) and can be combined with other tools (e.g. ls `, /u/lo`
For more information, please refer to http://shyiko.com/2014/10/10/commacd/.
make # lint sources and run tests
- 0.2.0 - Added substring (fuzzy) matching as a fallback to the default prefix lookup (can be turned off with
). - 0.1.0 - Starting point.