Turn Your Videos/photos into Artwork
NeuralStyler Artificial Intelligence converts your videos into art works by using styles of famous artists: Van Gogh,Wassily Kandinsky,Georges Seurat etc Features
- Style videos,gif animation and photos
- No need to upload videos (Offline processing)
- Faster AI styling algorithm
- Extensible styling system(Plugin)
- Qt 5.x
- Python 2.7 (Virtualenv for Ubuntu,WinPython 64 bit for Windows)
- Chainer
- ffmpeg
###How to install style
Simply download the zip file and extract it you will get two files
copy these two files to the styles folder and run NeuralStyler.
###Create your own styles Please read the neural network training instructions Read
Microsoft COCO dataset
python train.py -s (style_image_path) -d (training_dataset_path) -g (use_gpu ? gpu_id : -1)