Semantic Role Labeler in Natural Language Processing
Put file '' and folder 'data.wsj' in the same folder.
|---ne # ne : Named Entities.
|---props # props : Target verbs and correct propositional arguments.
|---synt.cha # synt.cha : PoS tags and full parses of Charniak.
|---words # words : words.
|---test-set.txt # get from .sh file.
|---train-set.txt # get from .sh file.
|---GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin # embedding file.
|---model.pth # best model we get.
|---outputs.txt # model outputs.
|---test_outputs.txt # outputs that satisfies HW requirement. # run with bash to get test set. # run with bash to get train set.
-senmantic_role_labeler.txt # log file.
Command to run:
Build and train a recurrent neural network (RNN) with hidden vector size 256.
Loss function: Adam loss.
Embedding vector: 300-dimensional.
Learning rate: 0.0001.
Batch size: 16