These sample's demonstrates how to use Open CASCADE Technology (OCCT) 3D Viewer within a
window created using Qt5 on Windows and Linux platforms.
Opencascade libary download :
Unpack it in ~/opt/ That it looks like ~/opt/opencascade/ etc.
OpenGL-based OCCT viewer is embedded into Qt5 Widgets application via QOpenGLWidget
- C++ Library.
- QWidget.
- Some sketcher functions, wich i find helpfull but incomplete related to autodesk input method's.
- Xyz mouse coordinates mapped to the occt environment.
- Transparant qt widget overlay.
- Viewports, 3d, top, bottom, left, right, front, back.
- Zoom to fit, zoom +, zoom -
- Create a shape and set tranceparancy level.
- Show shapes as wireframe or as shaded object.
- Show or hide 3d navigation cube.
- Show or hide triedron.
- Show shape in orthographic or perspective mode.
- Show or hide shape boundary lines.
- Print the actual opencascade performance
- Transparant qt widget overlay.
- Rotate view with navigation cube.
- Zoom with mouse.
- Show shapes as shaded object.
- Shows 3d navigation cube
- Shows triedron.
- Print the actual opencascade performance