ChiSeL is a novel algorithmic framework that uses the idea of statistical significance for approximate subgraph matching on uncertain graphs. For each candidate matching vertex in the target graph that matches a query vertex, it computes its statistical significance using the chi-squared statistic. The search algorithm then proceeds in a greedy manner by exploring the vertex neighbors having the largest chi-square score. The algorithm works well on large real-life graphs with millions of vertices and billions of edges and can compute answer seconds after reading the input graph.
Please cite our paper, if you use our source code.
- "ChiSeL: Graph Similarity Search using Chi-Squared Statistics in Large Probabilistic Graphs. VLDB'20"
Compile all the header files and dependent cpp files through make command and then run the binary file with appropriate arguments.
./subgraph <input graph vertex-label file> <input graph edge file> <list of query graph files>
For instance, following compiles and runs the program on the sample data files.
./subgraph ip_v15_label.txt ip_v15_edge.txt qry_graphs.txt
The k for top-k matching subgraphs can be set in the const.h header file.
During compilation flags can be set in makefile.
To measure heap sizes. -
To perturb the original graph at runtime. The probability of graph edges that match with the query graph edges are set to 1 before the subgraph search and are reset to old value after the computation of answers.
Note: All query graph vertex-ids must match the input graph vertex-ids for this.
File format: vid label
v1 l1
v2 l2
v3 l1
File format: vid1 vid2 edge_probability
v1 v2 pr12
v2 v3 pr23
v3 v1 pr31
This format is followed for both input target graph. For the query graph the edge file has only two values, the vertex ids of an edge.
<query graph vertex-label file 1> <query graph edge file 1>
<query graph vertex-label file 2> <query graph edge file 2>