This repository contains my implementation of useful data structures, algorithms, games, as well as my solutions to programming puzzles.
Each item is marked with a difficulty level. 1 - easy 2 - medium 3 - hard
If a file name starts with 'lc', it's a problem from
Written in python3. Thanks Danijar Hafner (@danijar) for the inspiration.
- List class ( - 1
- Remove duplicates (
- Find nth last element (
- Remove node given only its object (
- Sum linked lists with one digit per node (
- Find beginning of circle (
- Binary heap class ( - 2
- Binary tree class ( - 1
- Binary search tree class that allows duplicate values ( - 2 BST class inherits binary tree class
- Red black tree class (
- B+ tree class ( - 3
- Trie class that allows word removal ( - 2
- Check if a binary tree is a binary search tree ( - 2
- Check if a binary tree is balanced (
- Find first common ancestor of two nodes in a binary tree (
- Get all nodes of depth n in a binary tree (
- Given two large trees, check if the first is a subtree of the second (
- Find all sub paths in a binary tree that sum up to x (
- Create a balanced binary search tree from a sorted array (
- Undirected graph class
- Directed graph class
- Breadth first search (
- Depth first search (
- A-star (
- Queue class (
- Heap priority queue ( - 1
- Stack class (
- Stack that finds min in O(1) (
- Solve Hanoi towers using stacks (
- Sort stack using only push, pop, peek and empty (
- Build a queue using two stacks (
- Insertion sort ( - 1
- Selection sort ( - 1
- Merge sort ( - 2
- Heap sort ( - 2
- Quick sort ( - 2
- Counting sort ( - 2
- Radix sort ( - 2
- Bucket sort ( - 2
- Computing a Fibonacci sequence
- Find the longest common subsequence between two strings
- Find all permutations of a string
- Find all subsets of a set
- Find all proper combinations of n parentheses
- Bucket fill
- Check if it's possible to make a change with a set of coins
- Check if it's possible to weight two objects with a set of weights
- Eight queen
- Check if two strings are anagrams in O(n + m) time ( - 1
- Find the longest palindromic substring in O(n^2) time ( - 2
- Check if a string has balanced delimiters in O(n) time ( - 2
- Reverse words while maintaining spaces and tabs in O(n) time ( - 2
- Longest substring without repeating characters in O(n) time ( - 2
- Longest contiguous substring of 2 distinct characters in O(n) time ( - 2
- Remove duplicate chars in a string(
- Encode and decode Caesar cipher (
- Check if a string is a rotation of another
- Reverse integers ( - 1
- Sieve of Eratosthenes ( - 1
- Two sum in O(n) time ( - 1 Given an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to a specific target.
- Year with maximum population ( - 1 Given a list of people with their years of birth and death, find the year with max population
- FizzBuzz ( - 1
- ZigZag conversion ( - 2
- Find sum of all subarrays of an array ( - 2
- Add two numbers, each represented by a reverse linked list ( - 2
- Find the median of two sorted arrays in O(log(m+n)) time ( - 3
- Find nth smallest number that can be created using a list of prime factors
- Count occurences of given digit in all numbers up to n
- Rotate N x N matrix in place