小树壁纸v5.1更新日志 / Update Log of Xiaoshu Wallpaper v5.1
- [功能/Feature]主题切换/Theme switching
- [功能/Feature]窗口背景切换(需启用未经验证的预览设置项)/ Window background switching (requires enabling unverified preview settings)
- [功能/Feature]刷新主题/Refresh the theme
- [功能/Feature]高DPI适配/High DPI adaptation
- [重构/Refactoring]标题栏/Title bar
- [重构/Refactoring]设置/Settings
- [修复/Fix]无法正常捕获更新异常/Unable to capture update exceptions normally
- [修复/Fix]无法正常捕获网络异常/Unable to capture network exceptions normally
- [修复/Fix]无法正常捕获Bing源下获取数据异常 / Unable to capture the exception of obtaining data from the Bing source normally
- [修复/Fix]无法正常捕获下载异常/Failed to capture the download exception normally
不兼容性更新 / Incompatibility update
修改配置文件格式,由原json → json5 ,更新会丢失所有配置
Modify the configuration file format from the original json to json5. The update will result in the loss of all configurations.
已知问题 / Known problems
Using a custom window background may be blocked by the white interface background. Therefore, you need to enable the unverified preview setting item first to use it.
Chinese mirror download