This Project is live at -------->
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
Available Scripts
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.
Builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!
See the section about deployment for more information.
Overview: -
TravelYaari presents a mesmerizing, fully featured travel website that awakens the travel enthusiast within. Vibrant imagery, expertly curated destination highlights, and seamless booking experiences within your budget will leave you spellbound. Enjoy personalized customer support, flexible payment options, and tailored booking schedules that fit your lifestyle. Immerse yourself in captivating virtual tours through stunning videos and images, making your dream getaway an unforgettable reality.
Travel enthusiasts worldwide face the daunting challenge of discovering the perfect destinations, often struggling to find the crème de la crème of places to visit. Our innovative travel website solves this problem by showcasing an unparalleled selection of top-tier destinations, expertly curated to make your travel dreams accessible and stress-free.
Our mission is to craft an exceptional, cutting-edge travel website using advanced MERN STACK technologies, delivering: Unforgettable, on-time, and budget-friendly excursions that exceed your wildest dreams Enthusiastically satisfied customers, every time, without exception
- Wishlist Cart: Collect and cherish your favorite destinations
- Place Pagination: Effortlessly explore, discover, and get lost in new places
- User Profile: Manage your bookings, preferences, and travel journal
- Admin Features:
- Place Management: Curate, update, and showcase destination listings
- User Management: Monitor, support, and delight registered users
- Booked Order Details: Track, manage, and perfect bookings
- Mark Booking Orders: Stay organized, on top of bookings, and in control
- Checkout Process: Streamlined, secure, and hassle-free shipping and payment options
- Payment Integration: Robust, reliable, and trusted PayPal and credit card transactions
- Database: Rock-solid storage for places and user data, ensuring seamless performance
- Open the
. - Clone the repository by entering
$ git clone
. - Ensure that
are installed on the system. - change the diectory to repository name using
$ cd TravelYaari-react
. - Create a
file and writeREACT_APP_API_URL='your backend api url'
. look for backend of the project here. - install the dependencies by executing the follwing command:
$ npm install
or$ npm install --openssl-legacy-provide
for base support. - To run the React project. execute
$npm start
. and it will point to thelocalhost
server with the port3000
. - Enter the
IP Address: http://localhost:3000
on a web browser and use the application. make sure that your backend api is running.
- Try to downgrade node version to 17 or 14.
- install dependencies with
$ npm install --openssl-legacy-provide
. - you may get some error while installing the dependencies, Look it to the CMD and search for specific issues on Stackoverflow.
- In case of any further issue, Raise an issue on github.
The following dependencies can be found in package.json:
Sarvesh Kumar Sharma 🖋 📖💻 |
Sachi Tripathi 💻 |
Satyam Kumar Jha 💻 |