Extend Django sessions with a foreign key back to the user, allowing enumerating all user's sessions.
Model for predicting WTA tennis matches outcome.
Predicting weekly football results in EPL for the 2017 season
Using a Deep Neural Network (DNN) to predict the results of Premier League Football Matches
Predicting the outcome of a Cricket match using Map Reduce and Spark K-Means clustering algorithm.
Predict a cricket match ball by ball. Simulation of a cricket match using Big Data analysis.
Desktop App & Web App for Cricket Outcome Prediction.
Data Science Project using ODI Cricket Data Set (past 5 years)
Predicting scores in a cricket match with machine learning.
Prediction model for the outcomes of Cricket Matches using machine learning techniques.
Building CricketPrediction model using Machine Learning
Facial Emotion Recognition on FER2013 Dataset Using a Convolutional Neural Network
A Computation Graph Virtual Machine based ML Framework
Extracts Data from Facebook pages. Access Token and App IDs have to be provided in the properties/config.ini file. Faceboook API v2.9
Code to reproduce the simple sentiment analysis from my presentation
Sentiment Analysis with LSTMs in Tensorflow
Subjectivity and sentiment classification using polarity lexicons
Sentiment analysis over IMDB-movie reviews and Twitter data using Logistic regression and Naive Bayes' classifiers from Python’s machine learning package: scikit-learn.
For all kinds of textual analysis: literary, social media, surveys...
Video tutorial and accompanying output for conducting text sentiment analysis in Twitter
Simple, Pythonic, text processing--Sentiment analysis, part-of-speech tagging, noun phrase extraction, translation, and more.
a simple yet versatile recommendation systems library in python
Using an LSTM and 4d convolutional network for lip reading