vmware-autostart Public
This program is used to start VMware Workstation 16 Virtual Machines at boot time and suspend them automatically before system shutdown or restart.
nodejs-mariadb-sample Public
Node.js Code Samples for Interacting with MariaDB Database using the Official MariaDB module.
JavaScript UpdatedAug 30, 2022 -
sysmon Public
List the memory usage in kilobytes of all the processes of Linux.
ds18b20-raspberrypi-api Public
This is a Node.js API and WebApp for displaying temperature data from the DS18B20 digital thermometer module on Raspberry Pi.
HTML UpdatedSep 29, 2020 -
toc-generator-plugin Public
This JavaScript plugin generates a table of contents for your blog/website
angular-hero-api Public
This is a REST implementation of Angular.js docs Hero API, So that you don't have to fake it using InMemoryWebApi
url-shortner-cse3100 Public
This is a simple URL shortner written by Shahriar Shovon using basic PHP.
CSS UpdatedJun 25, 2018 -
kuet-fablab-twitter-fetch Public
This is a basic Python program for interacting with Twitter API, written for KUET FabLab Raspberry Pi Project
Python UpdatedNov 11, 2017 -
KUET FabLab Project - Interacting with Twitter API with Node.js
JavaScript UpdatedNov 11, 2017 -