Calendar bot is a discord bot that syncs with Google Calendar.It can be used as a personal companion to Google Calendar on discord or as a discord event management service that syncs with Google Calendar
Ensure the python package manager pip is updated to the latest stable build
Run the following commands to install the required dependencies
pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib
pip install discord
pip install python-dateutil
Navigate to the directory where calendar_bot is located
create a .env file and enter your discord bot token in this format:
DISCORD_TOKEN = {your bot token here}
This is the environment variable that acceses the bot token from
Run this command:
The CLI will display an authentication link.Visit this link,and login with your Google Account.grant all permissions and then copy the authentication code and paste it into the CLI like this:
Enter authentication code:{Authentication Code Here}
Setup is complete.You will not need to login the next time you run this bot.
Use the command like this:
$eventstoday {number of events displayed}
EXAMPLE:$eventstoday 3
Displays all upcoming events for the current date and time.
Has an optional {number of events displayed} argument.The default number of events displayed is 5.
Similiar to $eventstoday
Use the command like this:
$eventstommorow {number of events displayed}
Displays all upcoming events for the next day Has an optional {number of events displayed} argument.The default number of events displayed is 5.
Similiar to $eventstoday
Use the command like this:
$eventsyesterday {number of events displayed}
Displays all past events for the previous day Has an optional {number of events displayed} argument.The default number of events displayed is 5.
Pull requests are accepted.Please open an issue if you find a bug or have an idea for a feature.