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Generalizable Imitation Learning from Observation via Inferring Goal Proximity (NeurIPS 2021)


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Generalizable Imitation Learning from Observation via Inferring Goal Proximity

[Project website] [Paper]
Youngwoon Lee*1, Andrew Szot*2, Shao-Hua Sun1, Joseph Lim1 at 1USC CLVR lab and 2Georgia Tech

This is the official PyTorch implementation of the paper "Generalizable Imitation Learning from Observation via Inferring Goal Proximity" (NeurIPS 2021).


  1. This code base requires Python 3.7 or higher. All package requirements are in requirements.txt. To install from scratch using Anaconda, use the following commands.
conda create -n [your_env_name] python=3.7
source activate [your_env_name]
pip install -r requirements.txt

cd d4rl
pip install -e .
cd ../rl-toolkit
pip install -e .

mkdir -p data/trained_models
  1. Setup Weights and Biases by first logging in with wandb login <YOUR_API_KEY> and then editing config.yaml with your W&B username and project name.

  2. Download expert demonstration datasets to ./expert_datasets. We include the expert demonstration datasets on Google Drive and provide a script for downloading them.


How to reproduce experiments

By default, the commands are for the demonstrations covering 100% of the states or with the default noise. For all of the experiments, you can specify the random seed with --seed.


  • Ours: python goal_prox/ --prefix dpf --env-name "MiniGrid-FourRooms-v0" --alg dpf --traj-batch-size 32 --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --traj-frac 0.25
  • GAIfO-s: python goal_prox/ --prefix gail --env-name "MiniGrid-FourRooms-v0" --alg gail --disc-lr 0.0001 --action-input False --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --traj-frac 0.25
  • GAIfO: python goal_prox/ --prefix gaifo --env-name "MiniGrid-FourRooms-v0" --alg gaifo --disc-lr 0.001 --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --traj-frac 0.25
  • BCO: python goal_prox/ --prefix bco --env-name "MiniGrid-FourRooms-v0" --alg bco --max-grad-norm -1 --bco-expl-steps 10000 --bco-inv-lr 0.0001 --bco-inv-epochs 1 --bco-inv-eval-holdout 0.1 --bco-inv-batch-size 32 --bc-num-epochs 1 --bco-alpha 500 --bco-alpha-size 10000 --traj-batch-size 32 --num-processes 32 --eval-num-processes 32 --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --traj-frac 0.25
  • BC: python goal_prox/ --prefix bc --env-name "MiniGrid-FourRooms-v0" --alg bc --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --traj-frac 0.25 --bc-num-epochs 1000 --eval-num-processes 32 --max-grad-norm -1 --traj-val-ratio 0.2 --traj-batch-size 32
  • GAIL: python goal_prox/ --prefix gail --env-name "MiniGrid-FourRooms-v0" --alg gail --disc-lr 0.0001 --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --traj-frac 0.25 --action-input True --gail-reward-norm True
  • SQIL: python pytorch_sac/ env="MiniGrid-FourRooms-v0" expertpath=./expert_datasets/ expertfrac=0.25 agent.params.trunk_type='gw_cnn' agent.class="agent.sql.SQLAgent" double_q_critic.class="agent.critic.QNetwork" agent.params.init_temperature=0.25

For running holdout experiments specify the following additional arguments:

  • 100%: --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/
  • 75%: --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/
  • 50%: --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/
  • 25%: --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/


  • Ours: python goal_prox/ --use-proper-time-limits --num-mini-batch 32 --num-epochs 10 --alg dpf-deep --prefix dpf-deep --env-name maze2d-medium-v2 --entropy-coef 0.0001 --exp-sample-size 4096 --exp-buff-size 4096 --cuda False --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/
  • GAIFO-s: python goal_prox/ --prefix gail-s-deep --use-proper-time-limits --alg gail-deep --disc-lr 0.0001 --num-mini-batch 32 --num-epochs 10 --entropy-coef 0.0001 --action-input False --env-name maze2d-medium-v2 --gail-reward-norm False --cuda False --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/
  • GAIFO: python goal_prox/ --prefix gaifo-deep --use-proper-time-limits --alg gaifo-deep --num-mini-batch 32 --num-epochs 10 --entropy-coef 0.0001 --action-input False --disc-lr 0.001 --gail-reward-norm False --cuda False --reward-type gaifo --env-name maze2d-medium-v2 --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/
  • BCO: python goal_prox/ --prefix bco --alg bco --eval-num-processes 8 --cuda False --bc-state-norm False --max-grad-norm -1 --normalize-env False --bc-num-epochs 1 --bco-expl-steps 10000 --bco-inv-lr 0.0001 --bco-inv-epochs 5 --bco-alpha 1000 --bco-alpha-size 10000 --num-processes 32 --log-interval 1 --env-name maze2d-medium-v2 --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/
  • BC: python goal_prox/ --prefix bc --use-proper-time-limits --alg bc --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --env-name maze2d-medium-v2 --normalize-env False --bc-num-epochs 1000 --eval-num-processes 9 --traj-val-ratio 0.2 --cuda False
  • GAIL: python goal_prox/ --prefix gail-deep --use-proper-time-limits --alg gail-deep --disc-lr 0.0001 --num-mini-batch 32 --num-epochs 10 --entropy-coef 0.0001 --action-input True --env-name maze2d-medium-v2 --gail-reward-norm False --cuda False --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/
  • SQIL: python pytorch_sac/ env=maze2d-medium-v2 expertfrac=1.0 num_train_steps=5e6 agent.params.linear_lr_decay=False expertpath=./expert_datasets/
  • GoalGAIL: python goal_prox/ --prefix goal-gail --alg goal-gail --use-proper-time-limits --linear-lr-decay False --trans-buffer-size 1000000 --update-every 100 --updates-per-batch 50 --rnd-prob 0.3 --disc-lr 0.0001 --gail-state-norm False --cuda False --reward-type gail --env-name maze2d-medium-v2 --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --normalize-env False

For running holdout experiments specify the following additional arguments:

  • 100%: --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/
  • 75%: --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/
  • 50%: --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/
  • 25%: --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/

Ant Reach

  • Ours: python goal_prox/ --prefix ant-ours --alg dpf-deep --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --env-name AntGoal-v0 --num-steps 500 --traj-frac 0.5 --entropy-coef 0.001 --num-mini-batch 32 --num-epochs 10 --prox-lr 0.0001
  • GAIFO-s: python goal_prox/ --prefix ant-gaifo-s --alg gail-deep --env-name AntGoal-v0 --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --num-steps 500 --traj-frac 0.5 --entropy-coef 0.001 --num-mini-batch 32 --num-epochs 10
  • GAIFO: python goal_prox/ --prefix ant-gaifo --alg gaifo-deep --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --env-name AntGoal-v0 --num-steps 500 --traj-frac 0.5 --entropy-coef 0.001 --num-mini-batch 32 --num-epochs 10
  • BCO: python goal_prox/ --prefix ant-bco --env-name AntGoal-v0 --alg bco --max-grad-norm -1 --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --bco-expl-steps 10000 --bco-inv-lr 0.0001 --traj-frac 0.5 --bco-inv-epochs 1 --bco-inv-batch-size 32 --bc-num-epochs 1 --bco-alpha 500 --bco-alpha-size 10000 --traj-batch-size 32 --eval-num-processes 32 --num-processes 32
  • BC: python goal_prox/ --prefix bc --use-proper-time-limits --alg bc --env-name AntGoal-v0 --normalize-env False --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --bc-num-epochs 1000 --eval-num-processes 20 --ant-noise 0.0 --traj-frac 0.5 --traj-val-ratio 0.2
  • GAIL python goal_prox/ --prefix ant-gaifo-s-0 --alg gail-deep --env-name AntGoal-v0 --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --cuda False --render-metric --num-steps 500 --traj-frac 0.5 --ant-noise 0.0 --action-input True --num-epochs 10 --num-mini-batch 32 --use-proper-time-limits --gail-reward-norm True --entropy-coef 0.001 --disc-lr 0.0001
  • SQIL: python pytorch_sac/ env=AntGoal-v0 expertpath=../expert_datasets/ expertfrac=0.5 env_noise=0.0
  • GoalGAIL: python goal_prox/ --prefix goal-gail --alg goal-gail --use-proper-time-limits --linear-lr-decay False --trans-buffer-size 1000000 --update-every 100 --updates-per-batch 50 --rnd-prob 0.3 --disc-lr 0.0001 --gail-state-norm False --cuda False --reward-type gail --env-name AntGoal-v0 --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/

For running added noise experiments specify the following additional arguments:

  • Noise 0.00: --ant-noise 0.00
  • Noise 0.01: --ant-noise 0.01
  • Noise 0.03: --ant-noise 0.03
  • Noise 0.05: --ant-noise 0.05

Fetch Push

  • Ours: python goal_prox/ --use-proper-time-limits --num-mini-batch 32 --num-epochs 10 --alg dpf-deep --prefix dpf-deep --env-name FetchPushEnvCustom-v0 --exp-sample-size 4096 --exp-buff-size 4096 --pf-uncert-scale 0.001 --entropy-coef 0.001 --cuda False --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/
  • GAIfO-s: python goal_prox/ --use-proper-time-limits --alg gail-deep --prefix gail-deep --env-name FetchPushEnvCustom-v0 --num-mini-batch 32 --num-epochs 10 --disc-lr 0.0001 --entropy-coef 0.001 --action-input False --gail-reward-norm True --cuda False --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/
  • GAIfO: python goal_prox/ --use-proper-time-limits --prefix gaifo-deep --alg gaifo-deep --env-name FetchPushEnvCustom-v0 --num-mini-batch 32 --num-epochs 10 --disc-lr 0.0001 --entropy-coef 0.001 --action-input False --gail-reward-norm True --cuda False --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/
  • BCO: python goal_prox/ --use-proper-time-limits --prefix bco --alg bco --env-name FetchPushEnvCustom-v0 --log-interval 1 --eval-num-processes 32 --num-processes 32 --bc-state-norm True --max-grad-norm -1 --normalize-env False --bc-num-epochs 1 --bco-expl-steps 10000 --bco-inv-lr 0.0001 --bco-inv-epochs 1 --bco-alpha 500 --bco-alpha-size 10000 --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/
  • BC: python goal_prox/ --use-proper-time-limits --prefix bc --alg bc --env-name FetchPushEnvCustom-v0 --eval-num-processes 20 --traj-val-ratio 0.2 --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --normalize-env False --bc-num-epochs 1000
  • GAIL: python goal_prox/ --use-proper-time-limits --alg gail-deep --prefix gail-deep --env-name FetchPushEnvCustom-v0 --num-mini-batch 32 --num-epochs 10 --disc-lr 0.0001 --entropy-coef 0.001 --action-input True --gail-reward-norm True --cuda False --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/
  • SQIL: python pytorch_sac/ env=FetchPushEnvCustom-v0 expertpath=./expert_datasets/ expertfrac=1.0 env_noise=1.00
  • GoalGAIL: python goal_prox/ --prefix goal-gail --alg goal-gail --use-proper-time-limits --linear-lr-decay False --trans-buffer-size 1000000 --update-every 100 --updates-per-batch 50 --rnd-prob 0.3 --disc-lr 0.0001 --gail-state-norm False --cuda False --reward-type gail --env-name FetchPushEnvCustom-v0 --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --normalize-env False

For running added noise experiments specify the following additional arguments:

  • 1.0x: --noise-ratio 1.0 --goal-noise-ratio 1.0 or env_noise=1.0 for SQIL
  • 1.25x: --noise-ratio 1.25 --goal-noise-ratio 1.25 or env_noise=1.25 for SQIL
  • 1.75x: --noise-ratio 1.75 --goal-noise-ratio 1.75 or env_noise=1.75 for SQIL
  • 2.0x: --noise-ratio 2.0 --goal-noise-ratio 2.0 or env_noise=2.0 for SQIL

Fetch Pick

  • Ours: python goal_prox/ --use-proper-time-limits --num-mini-batch 32 --num-epochs 10 --alg dpf-deep --prefix dpf-deep --env-name FetchPickAndPlaceDiffHoldout-v0 --exp-sample-size 4096 --exp-buff-size 4096 --pf-uncert-scale 0.001 --entropy-coef 0.001 --cuda False --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/
  • GAIfO-s: python goal_prox/ --use-proper-time-limits --alg gail-deep --prefix gail-deep --env-name FetchPickAndPlaceDiffHoldout-v0 --num-mini-batch 32 --num-epochs 10 --disc-lr 0.0001 --entropy-coef 0.001 --action-input False --gail-reward-norm True --cuda False --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/
  • GAIfO: python goal_prox/ --use-proper-time-limits --prefix gaifo-deep --alg gaifo-deep --env-name FetchPickAndPlaceDiffHoldout-v0 --num-mini-batch 32 --num-epochs 10 --disc-lr 0.0001 --entropy-coef 0.001 --action-input False --gail-reward-norm True --cuda False --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/
  • BCO: python goal_prox/ --use-proper-time-limits --prefix bco --alg bco --env-name FetchPickAndPlaceDiffHoldout-v0 --log-interval 1 --eval-num-processes 32 --num-processes 32 --bc-state-norm True --max-grad-norm -1 --normalize-env False --bc-num-epochs 1 --bco-expl-steps 10000 --bco-inv-lr 0.0001 --bco-inv-epochs 1 --bco-alpha 500 --bco-alpha-size 10000 --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/
  • BC: python goal_prox/ --use-proper-time-limits --prefix bc --alg bc --env-name FetchPickAndPlaceDiffHoldout-v0 --eval-num-processes 20 --traj-val-ratio 0.2 --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --normalize-env False --bc-num-epochs 1000
  • GAIL: python goal_prox/ --use-proper-time-limits --alg gail-deep --prefix gail-deep --env-name FetchPickAndPlaceDiffHoldout-v0 --num-mini-batch 32 --num-epochs 10 --disc-lr 0.0001 --entropy-coef 0.001 --action-input True --gail-reward-norm True --cuda False --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/
  • SQIL python pytorch_sac/ env=FetchPickAndPlaceDiffHoldout-v0 expertpath=./expert_datasets/ expertfrac=1.0 env_noise=1.00
  • GoalGAIL: python goal_prox/ --use-proper-time-limits --linear-lr-decay False --prefix goal-gail --alg goal-gail --env-name FetchPickAndPlaceDiffHoldout-v0 --trans-buffer-size 1000000 --update-every 100 --updates-per-batch 50 --rnd-prob 0.3 --disc-lr 0.0001 --gail-state-norm False --cuda False --reward-type gail --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --normalize-env False

For running added noise experiments specify the following additional arguments:

  • 1.0x: --noise-ratio 1.0 --goal-noise-ratio 1.0 or env_noise=1.0 for SQIL
  • 1.25x: --noise-ratio 1.25 --goal-noise-ratio 1.25 or env_noise=1.25 for SQIL
  • 1.75x: --noise-ratio 1.75 --goal-noise-ratio 1.75 or env_noise=1.75 for SQIL
  • 2.0x: --noise-ratio 2.0 --goal-noise-ratio 2.0 or env_noise=2.0 for SQIL

Hand Rotate

  • Ours-GAIL: python goal_prox/ --use-proper-time-limits --cuda False --render-metric --num-mini-batch 32 --num-epochs 10 --alg dpf-deep --prefix dpf-deep --env-name CustomHandManipulateBlockRotateZ-v0 --exp-sample-size 4096 --exp-buff-size 4096 --prox-lr 0.0001 --hand-inc-goal --hand-dense --hand-end-on-succ --hand-easy --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --entropy-coef 0.0001 --pf-reward-type airl --noise-ratio 1.0
  • Ours: python goal_prox/ --use-proper-time-limits --cuda False --render-metric --num-mini-batch 32 --num-epochs 10 --alg dpf-deep --prefix dpf-deep --env-name CustomHandManipulateBlockRotateZ-v0 --exp-sample-size 4096 --exp-buff-size 4096 --prox-lr 0.0001 --hand-inc-goal --hand-dense --hand-end-on-succ --hand-easy --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --entropy-coef 0.0001 --pf-uncert-scale 0.0001 --pf-reward-scale 1000.0 --pf-reward-type nofinal_pen --pf-constant-penalty -0.005 --noise-ratio 1.0
  • GAIFO-s: python goal_prox/ --prefix gail-s-deep --use-proper-time-limits --alg gail-deep --disc-lr 0.0001 --num-mini-batch 32 --num-epochs 10 --entropy-coef 0.001 --action-input False --env-name CustomHandManipulateBlockRotateZ-v0 --gail-reward-norm False --cuda False --hand-inc-goal --hand-dense --hand-end-on-succ --hand-easy --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --noise-ratio 1.0
  • GAIFO: python goal_prox/ --prefix gaifo-deep --use-proper-time-limits --alg gaifo-deep --num-mini-batch 32 --num-epochs 10 --entropy-coef 0.0001 --action-input False --disc-lr 0.001 --gail-reward-norm False --cuda False --reward-type gaifo --env-name CustomHandManipulateBlockRotateZ-v0 --hand-inc-goal --hand-dense --hand-end-on-succ --hand-easy --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --noise-ratio 1.0
  • BCO: python goal_prox/ --prefix bco --alg bco --eval-num-processes 32 --cuda False --bc-state-norm False --max-grad-norm -1 --normalize-env False --bc-num-epochs 1 --bco-expl-steps 10000 --bco-inv-lr 0.0001 --bco-inv-epochs 5 --bco-alpha 500 --bco-alpha-size 10000 --num-processes 32 --log-interval 1 --env-name CustomHandManipulateBlockRotateZ-v0 --hand-inc-goal --hand-dense --hand-end-on-succ --hand-easy --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --noise-ratio 1.0
  • BC: python goal_prox/ --prefix bc --use-proper-time-limits --alg bc --env-name CustomHandManipulateBlockRotateZ-v0 --normalize-env False --bc-num-epochs 500 --eval-num-processes 32 --traj-val-ratio 0.2 --cuda False --hand-inc-goal --hand-dense --hand-end-on-succ --hand-easy --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --noise-ratio 1.0
  • GAIL: python goal_prox/ --prefix gail-deep --use-proper-time-limits --alg gail-deep --disc-lr 0.0001 --num-mini-batch 32 --num-epochs 10 --entropy-coef 0.001 --action-input True --env-name CustomHandManipulateBlockRotateZ-v0 --gail-reward-norm False --cuda False --hand-inc-goal --hand-dense --hand-end-on-succ --hand-easy --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/ --noise-ratio 1.0
  • SQIL: pytorch_sac/ env=CustomHandManipulateBlockRotateZ-v0 expertpath=./expert_datasets/ expertfrac=1.0 num_train_steps=5e6 env_noise=1.0
  • GoalGAIL: python goal_prox/ --prefix goal-gail --alg goal-gail --use-proper-time-limits --linear-lr-decay False --trans-buffer-size 1000000 --update-every 100 --updates-per-batch 50 --rnd-prob 0.3 --disc-lr 0.0001 --gail-state-norm False --cuda False --reward-type gail --env-name CustomHandManipulateBlockRotateZ-v0 --hand-inc-goal --hand-dense --hand-end-on-succ --hand-easy --traj-load-path ./expert_datasets/

For running experiments with different noise levels, change the value of the argument --noise-ratio or env_noise as following:

  • Noise 0.00: --noise-ratio 1.0
  • Noise 0.25: --noise-ratio 1.25
  • Noise 0.35: --noise-ratio 1.35
  • Noise 0.50: --noise-ratio 1.5

Code Structure

  • goal_prox: method and custom environment code.
    • goal_prox/method/ code for our method.
    • goal_prox/method/ code for the GoalGAIL baseline.
    • goal_prox/envs/ ant locomotion task.
    • goal_prox/envs/fetch/ Fetch Pick task.
    • goal_prox/envs/fetch/ Fetch Push task.
    • goal_prox/envs/hand/ Hand Rotate task.
    • goal_prox/envs/fetch/ script to generate Fetch Pick demonstrations. python goal_prox/envs/fetch/ --easy-obs --env-name holdout
    • goal_prox/envs/fetch/ script to generate Fetch Push demonstrations. python goal_prox/envs/fetch/ --easy-obs
    • goal_prox/gym_minigrid: MiniGrid code for navigation environment from maximecb.
  • rl-toolkit: base RL code and code for imitation learning baselines from rl-toolkit.
    • rl-toolkit/algos/on_policy/ the PPO policy updater code we use for RL.
    • rl-toolkit/algos/il/ the Behavioral Cloning from Observation baseline code.
    • rl-toolkit/algos/il/ the Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning from Observations baseline code. Extends the code from regular GAIL from the same directory (rl-toolkit/algos/il/
  • d4rl: Codebase from D4RL: Datasets for Deep Data-Driven Reinforcement Learning for Maze2D.
  • pytorch_sac: SQIL implementation based on SAC implementation denisyarats.



  title={Generalizable Imitation Learning from Observation via Inferring Goal Proximity},
  author={Youngwoon Lee and Andrew Szot and Shao-Hua Sun and Joseph J. Lim},
  booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},


Generalizable Imitation Learning from Observation via Inferring Goal Proximity (NeurIPS 2021)







No releases published


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  • Python 99.1%
  • Other 0.9%