This library contains procedures handling 3D affine transformations. In particular, it implements
- Fast logarithm and exponential for 3D transformations ( rotational and shearing transformations )
- Euclidean parametrisation map for 3D affine transformation (see [1])
- Fast polar decomposition ( without SVD )
- [1] S. Kaji and H. Ochiai, A concise parametrisation of affine transformation, to appear in SIAM J. on Imaging Sciences, arXiv:1507.05290,
- [2] S.Kaji, S.Hirose, H. Ochiai, and K.Anjyo, A Lie Theoretic Parameterization of Affine Transformation, Proceedings of MEIS2013 (Mathematical Progress in Expressive Image Synthesis 2013), MI Lecture Notes Vol.50, pp. 134--140.
- instructive sample codes