Ability to Register a face and recognize the face in future. All credits to https://thecodingtrain.com/ for the training and initial code base.Takes the mobileNet model and retrains with addtional images
- Ability to Register a Face
- Ability to recognize an earlier trained face
- Download the model
- Ablity to original MobileNet and New Face
To build a Facial recognition system a new person comes registers himself post that the model should be able to recognize him in any future date
FacialLogin uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- [Javascript]
- [Node js ]
- [tensorflow.js ]
- [ml5]
FacialLogin requires Node.js to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
$ npm install -g superstatic
$ superstatic -p 8000
# Traverse to http://localhost:8000
Want to contribute? Great!
- Traverse to http://localhost:8000 and make sure you are visible on the webcamera
- Provide the your name to register in the text box (label)
- Click on the "Add an Image" button for few times ( each click will take one photo)
- Click on "Register the face" ( it trains the model with all the images provides)
- The model should be able to recognize the face ( the label on the webcamera canvas)
- Click on the "Download model's delta"
- Note is does not download the complete model but only the delta i.e. details of the new face
- Seperate Register and Login into seperate pages
- Works only for one person now , extend to multiple persons