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shiivashaakeri authored Mar 12, 2024
1 parent 54a1b8b commit b6a02fe
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Showing 36 changed files with 3,214 additions and 0 deletions.
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions AileronActuatorFailure.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
function XDOT = AileronActuatorFailure(X, U, faultCondition, faultValue)
% Extract control input vector
d_A = U(1); % Aileron

% Simulate fault condition
switch faultCondition
case 'stuck'
d_A = faultValue; % Stuck at faultValue radians
case 'limitedRange'
d_A = max(min(d_A, faultValue), -faultValue); % Limit range to +/- faultValue
case 'unresponsive'
d_A = 0; % Aileron does not respond

% Update control input vector
U(1) = d_A;

% Calculate dynamics with modified control input
XDOT = RCAM_model(X, U);
217 changes: 217 additions & 0 deletions AirspeedSensorFailure.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
function XDOT = AirspeedSensorFailure(X, U, faultCondition)

%-------- STATE AND CONTROL VECTORS --------%

% extract state vector
x1 = X(1); %u
x2 = X(2); %v
x3 = X(3); %w
x4 = X(4); %p
x5 = X(5); %q
x6 = X(6); %r
x7 = X(7); %phi
x8 = X(8); %theta
x9 = X(9); %psi

% extract control input vector
u1 = U(1); %d_A (aileron)
u2 = U(2); %d_T (stabilizer)
u3 = U(3); %d_R (rudder)
u4 = U(4); %d_th1 (throttle 1)
u5 = U(5); %d_th2 (throttle 2)

%-------- CONSTANTS --------%
% Nominal vehicle constants
m = 120000; %kg

cbar = 6.6; %Mean Aerodynamic Chord (m)
It = 24.8; %Distance by AC of tail and body (m)
S = 260; %Wing planform area (m^2)
St = 64; %Tail planform area (m^2)

Xcg = 0.23*cbar; %x position of CoG in Fm (m)
Ycg = 0; %y position of CoG in Fm (m)
Zcg = 0.10*cbar; %z position of CoG in Fm (m)

Xac = 0.12*cbar; %x position of aerodynamic center in Fm (m)
Yac = 0; %y position of aerodynamic center in Fm (m)
Zac = 0; %z position of aerodynamic center in Fm (m)

% Engine Constants

Xapt1 = 0; %x position of engine 1 force in Fm (m)
Yapt1 = -7.94; %y position of engine 1 force in Fm (m)
Zapt1 = -1.9; %z position of engine 1 force in Fm (m)

Xapt2 = 0; %x position of engine 2 force in Fm (m)
Yapt2 = 7.94; %y position of engine 2 force in Fm (m)
Zapt2 = -1.9; %z position of engine 2 force in Fm (m)

% Other Constants
rho = 1.225; %Air density (kg/m^3)
g = 9.81; %Gravitational accleration (m/s^2)
depsda = 0.25; %Change in downwash w.r.t alpha
alpha_L0 = -11.5*pi/180; %Zero lift angle of attach (rad)
n = 5.5; %Slope of linear region of lift slope
a3 = -768.5; %Coeff of alpha^3
a2 = 609.2; %Coeff of alpha^2
a1 = -155.2; %Coeff of alpha^1
a0 = 15.212; %Coeff of alpha^0
alpha_switch = 14.5*(pi/180);% alpha where lift slope goes from linear to non-linear

%-------- 2. INTERMEDIATE VARIABLES --------%

% True airspeed calculation
Va_true = sqrt(x1^2 + x2^2 + x3^2);

% Simulate airspeed sensor failure based on faultCondition
switch faultCondition
case 'no_fault'
Va = Va_true;
case 'complete_failure'
Va = 0; % Complete failure
case 'partial_blockage'
Va = Va_true - 50; % Partial failure with constant offset
Va = Va_true; % Default case handles unexpected faultCondition values

alpha = atan2(x3, x1); % Calculate alpha as Eq (5)
beta = asin(x2/Va); % Calculate beta as Eq (6)

Q = 0.5*rho*Va^2; % Calculate dynamic pressure as Eq (7)

wbe_b = [x4;x5;x6]; % Define wbe_b as Eq (8)
V_b = [x1;x2;x3]; % Define V_b as Eq (9)


%calculate the CL_wb as Eq (10)
if alpha<=alpha_switch
CL_wb = n*(alpha - alpha_L0);
CL_wb = a3*alpha^3 + a2*alpha^2 + a1*alpha + a0;

%calculate the CL_t
epsilon = depsda * (alpha - alpha_L0);
alpha_t = alpha - epsilon + u2 + 1.3*x5*It/Va;
CL_t = 3.1* (St/S)*alpha_t; % Eq (12)

%Total force
CL = CL_wb + CL_t; %Eq (13)

% Total drag force
CD = 0.13 + 0.07*(5.5*alpha + 0.654)^2; %Eq (15)

% Calculate sideforce
CY = -1.6*beta + 0.24*u3; %Eq (14)

% Calculating actual dimensional forces in F_s
FA_s = [-CD*Q*S; CY*Q*S; -CL*Q*S]; %Eq (16)

%Rotation matrix to F_b
C_bs = [cos(alpha) 0 -sin(alpha);
0 1 0;
sin(alpha) 0 cos(alpha)];
FA_b = C_bs*FA_s; %Eq (17)

% Calculate moments in F_b.
eta11 = -1.4*beta;
eta21 = -0.59 - (3.1*(St*It)/(S*cbar))*(alpha - epsilon);
eta31 = (1 - alpha* (180/(15*pi)))*beta;

eta = [eta11;

dCMdx = (cbar/Va) * [-11 0 5;
0 (-4.03*(St*It^2)/(S*cbar^2)) 0;
1.7 0 -11.5];
dCMdu = [-0.6 0 0.22;
0 (-3.1*(St*It)/(S*cbar)) 0;
0 0 -0.63];

% Calculating CM = [Cl;CmlCn] about Aerodynamic center in F_b
CMac_b = eta + dCMdx*wbe_b + dCMdu*[u1;u2;u3];

%-------- 6. AERODYNAMIC MOMENT ABOUT AC --------%
% Normalize to an aerodynamic moment
MAac_b = CMac_b*Q*S*cbar;

%-------- 7. AERODYNAMIC MOMENT ABOUT CG --------%
% Transfer moment to CG
rcg_b = [Xcg; Ycg; Zcg];
rac_b = [Xac; Yac; Zac];
MAcg_b = MAac_b + cross(FA_b, rcg_b - rac_b); %Eq (20)

%-------- 8. ENGINE FORCE AND MOMENT --------%
% thrust of each engine
F1 = u4*m*g; % Eq(24)
F2 = u5*m*g; % Eq(25)

% engine thrust aligned with F_b:
FE1_b = [F1; 0 ;0];
FE2_b = [F2; 0 ;0];

FE_b = FE1_b + FE2_b;

% engine moment due to offset of engine thrust from CoG
mew1 = [Xcg - Xapt1;
Yapt1 - Ycg;
Zcg - Zapt1];
mew2 = [Xcg - Xapt2;
Yapt2 - Ycg;
Zcg - Zapt2];
% Eq (26)
MEcg1_b = cross(mew1, FE1_b);
MEcg2_b = cross(mew2, FE2_b);

MEcg_b = MEcg1_b + MEcg2_b;

%-------- 9. GRAVITY EFEFCTS --------%
% calculate gravitational forces in the body frame. this causes no moment
% about CoG
g_b = [-g*sin(x8);
Fg_b = m*g_b; % Eq(29)

%-------- 10. STATE DERIVATION --------%
%Inertia matrix
Ib = m*[40.07 0 -2.0923;
0 64 0;
-2.0923 0 99.92];

% Inverse of Inertia matrix
InvIb = (1/m)* [0.0249836 0 0.000523151;
0 0.015625 0;
0.000523151 0 0.010019];

% Form F_b and calculate udot, vdot, wdot
F_b = Fg_b + FE_b + FA_b;
x1to3dot = (1/m)*F_b - cross(wbe_b, V_b);

% Form Mcg_b and calculate pdot, qdot, rdot.
Mcg_b = MAcg_b + MEcg_b;
x4to6dot = InvIb * (Mcg_b - cross(wbe_b, Ib*wbe_b));

% Calculate phidot, thetadot, psidot
H_phi = [1 sin(x7)*tan(x8) cos(x7)*tan(x8);
0 cos(x7) -sin(x7);
0 sin(x7)/cos(x8) cos(x7)/cos(x8)];

x7to9dot = H_phi*wbe_b;

% Place in first order form
XDOT = [x1to3dot

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