Windows 7 x64 user here.
$ brename2.12.exe -S "" -R -p "\.startup" -r "_startup"
[INFO] main options:
[INFO] ignore case: false
[INFO] search pattern: \.startup
[INFO] skip filters:
[INFO] include filters: .
[INFO] search paths: ./
[INFO] checking: [ ok ] 'Keepass\.startup' -> 'Keepass\_startup'
[INFO] 1 path(s) to be renamed
[INFO] renamed: 'Keepass\.startup' -> 'Keepass\_startup'
[INFO] 1 path(s) renamed
Except for the redundant checking and nerdy rather than vernacular presentation of renaming conditions with too much [INFO] SHOUTING, I'm happy with it. Especially considering that @shenwei356 implemented my proposal about undoing changes.
Now, let's update to 2.13 and see what happens.
$ brename2.13.exe -S "" -R -p "\.startup" -r "_startup"
[INFO] brename v2.13.0
[WARN] The flag -w/--case-insensitive-path is switched on Windows by default,
[WARN] where the path is case-insensitive in file systems like FAT32 and NTFS.
[WARN] If you are using a file system in which paths are case-insensitive,
[WARN] please use -W/--case-sensitive-path.
[INFO] ---------------- main options ------------------------
[INFO] search mode:
[INFO] recursively rename: true
[INFO] maximum depth: 0 (0 for no limit)
[INFO] include directory: false
[INFO] only directory: false
[INFO] path filters and search pattern:
[INFO] search pattern: \.startup
[INFO] replacement: _startup
[INFO] ignore case: false
[INFO] skip filters:
[INFO] include filters: .
[INFO] path overwrite checking:
[INFO] case-insensitive path: true
[INFO] overwrite mode: 0 (reporting error)
[INFO] miscellaneous:
[INFO] disable undo: false
[INFO] only list paths: false
[INFO] dry run: false
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] search paths: ./
[INFO] checking: [ ok ] 'Keepass\.startup' -> 'Keepass\_startup'
[INFO] 1 path(s) to be renamed
[INFO] renamed: 'Keepass\.startup' -> 'Keepass\_startup'
[INFO] 1 path(s) renamed
- The executable has increased by 459 264 bytes, although there are few changes.
- The amount of information has grown so much that it simply did not fit on my laptop screen. Why would I need such a detailed explanation of the renaming conditions if I already spent time studying the command line flags in the manual, picked the necessary ones and now I just want the app to fulfill its purpose?
- The app scared me with a multi-line warning about a new flag, which is enabled by default and should not shout of itself precisely because of being a default one.
This is what I expect to see:
$ brename.exe -S "" -R -p "\.startup" -r "_startup"
brename x.yz by Wei Shen,
[OK] 'Keepass\.gogogo' -> 'Keepass\_gogogo'
1 path(s) renamed
The rest (timestamp, message type, renaming conditions, etc), if at all necessary, should be displayed if a dedicated flag is specified, thereby explicitly asking the app to increase the verbosity of logging.
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