Implementation of thread safe Singleton: Solution-1: By using mutex and atomic Solution-2: By using call_once and lambda function
A simple demo of Functional Programming with Unit Test by using GoogleTest in C++11/14
Example of TDD by using Gtest/Gmock
Design a thread-safe stack to get minimum value in O(1) time with test in Golang
Real life example of alerting Passengers when Flight Boarding Gate is opened by using Observer Design Patter
This is to demonstrates how shared_ptr can be smart enough to use as RAII in different scenarios other than just memory management. In this demo, we use it for closing file descriptor in normal and…
This project use some advanced features of Python like - Client-Server, Server exposed to RSTFUL webservice using Flask, Multi-threading, Locking mechanism etc.
This project shows how deadlock is produced and multiple possible solutions to avoid deadlock. STEPS TO AVOID DEADLOCK: i) Avoid locking multiple mutexes but only 1 mutex if possible ii) After lock…