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Install uv ("An extremely fast Python package and project manager, written in Rust."):
macOS and Linux | Windows | Using pip |
curl -LsSf | sh |
powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex" |
pip install uv |
To develop and contribute, install these tools:
Or run this code on your Unix-like operating system:
tools=(ruff pytest)
for tool in "${tools[@]}"; do
uv tool install --force "${tool}"@latest
Make sure the tests pass before running the server:
pytest -rSp
Run the Thinga web application:
uv run uvicorn thinga.main:app --port 9906
Now go to and use it!
The front-end codebase for this project is available on GitHub.
Collect images from DuckDuckGo based on a query easily:
uv run python scripts/ 'Hollywood celebrities' --max-images 15
Upload collected images to the Thinga API:
./scripts/ -u root -p toor
This project is licensed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this repository.