Old grizzled veteran of the python string library wars in the 2000's. He fled from zope and fell in with Twisted.
When he was running Europe's biggest games retailer's websites (gameplay.com) on a couple of RHEL boxes with less CPU than his desktop he discovered the joys of caching.
Now he caches everything. Keys, wallets, phones and coffee mainly.
Following a brief dalliance with VB, SQL Server and Java he was married to PHP which has been his rock and bread and butter for at least 20 years.
When his kids were tiny they would sit on his lap as he programmed in to the night when they were teething and now when they come home from the nightclub he sits crosslegged on the floor contemplating services and brackets, arrays and data structures.
He's built API's and services in use by Universities, car manufacturers and charities and has been known to use PHP, C, C++ and even Javascript to get things working.
Python will always stand head and shoulders above all other languages even if it's a royal pain to use sometimes.
PHP is the workhorse of the internet. The unsung hero behind the scenes of so much of the world's best and worst sites, API and systems. When you've scaled PHP to far beyond what Python systems could do without having to resort to pre-compiling, caching and optimising in C and it's probably because it produces better C than you can. PHP 7 is a tour de force and PHP 8 is amazing.