The interactive graphing library for Python ✨
Automatically Build Multiple ML Models with a Single Line of Code. Created by Ram Seshadri. Collaborators Welcome. Permission Granted upon Request.
In this Complete process in machine learning is discussed and done with pyspark .
Code for Hands-on Unsupervised Learning Using Python (O'Reilly Media)
Learning Statistics is one of the most Important step to get into the World of Data Science and Machine Learning. Statistics helps us to know data in a much better way and explains the behavior of …
A collection of machine learning examples and tutorials.
Data Visualizations is emerging as one of the most essential skills in almost all of the IT and Non IT Background Sectors and Jobs. Using Data Visualizations to make wiser decisions which could lan…
Numpy and Pandas are one of the most important building blocks of knowledge to get started in the field of Data Science, Analytics, Machine Learning, Business Intelligence, and Business Analytics. …
Contains hackerearth solutions in python 3
🤖⚡ 50 scikit-learn tips
My coding challenge solution(s) =]
Repository with all what is necessary for sentiment analysis and related areas
General Assembly's Data Science course in Washington, DC
Given a Amazon fine food review, determine whether the review is positive (Rating of 4 or 5) or negative (rating of 1 or 2).
The Course includes all the basic concepts of Python. Python Programming Language is one of the most trending programming languages in the world currently due to it's large applications in differen…
High Charter is a Premium package available for R programming Language Interface. It is a Expensive and Paid package and cannot be used for commercial and government use without payment. What makes…
A doodle classifier(CNN), trained on all 345 categories from Quickdraw dataset.
In this dataset, we will try to visualize different aspects of immigrants visiting to Canada and all over the world, I have tried to make most effective and ad-hoc visualizations to answer some of …
This is a Repository made for Coursera Assignments, and Tutorials which includes many interesting plots such as waffle charts, folium charts, chloropeth charts etc.
It is a very different task, as here I am going to cluster 200 different texts related to games and sports in 2 or more different clusters. we can also use zipf plot to determine how many useful cl…
This Data set consists of information about an employee, There are attributes such as education level, experience level, age, salary, gender, department, degree, ratings, work ethics, current compa…
This Problem is based on a Image Data set consisting of different types of weeds, to detect them in crops and fields. I have used Deep Learning Model called CNN(Convolutional Neural Networks) with …
It has 12 Classes for twelve different types of crops. This Dataset is in a zip file containing twelve folders of each plant containing their pictures. It is a Image Classification Problem, which c…
This is a dataset related to web logging with attributes such hit rate, visit date, exit rate, bounce rate, no. of imp. pages etc, A lot of Data Mining Technologies can be applied to extract better…
This time I am doing it using R language. let's see the results. The solutions includes eda(exploratory data analysis), data visualizations, modelling with Machine learning Models such as XgBoost a…
Detecting Frauds in Online Transactions using Anamoly Detection Techniques Such as Over Sampling and Under-Sampling as the ratio of Frauds is less than 0.00005 thus, simply applying Classification …
Analyzing the Drugs Descriptions, conditions, reviews and then recommending it using Deep Learning Models, for each Health Condition of a Patient.