Sharedcoin is a implementation of coinjoin which in addition to mixing with other participants mixes with a server pool as well.
More information -
Use Sharedcoin -
Javascript client -
Replace the values in settings_global_example.json as instructed. Rename the file to settings_global.json
You will need an installation of Apache Tomcat and Orcale JDK. For the sharedcoin wallet it is recommended you keep at minimum 10 * Max Output Value in the wallet pool (Default Max Output Value 50 BTC).
Linux Recommended
- Client calls get_info which returns information on fees and maximum send values used to populate the send form
- User enters send amount and value
- Client fetches the unspent outputs of the user's wallet
- Client constructs the first offer. An offer is a series of inputs and & requested outputs to be submitted to the sharedcoin server. The first offer consumes a number of unspent outputs from the users wallet sends the desired send amount to a newly generated address + fees and returns the change back to the wallet.
- Client constructs an additional offer for each repetition. Each offer splits outputs into a various N different sizes. Offers spend the outputs generated from executing the previous offer. The last repitition/offer sends the coins to the desired send address.
- Client creates an array of offers called a plan.
- Client executes the offers in sequential order. If any offer fails to execute it can be retried a number of times.
- After continual failures the client adds the temporary addresses generated in the previous offer back into the users wallet and displays an error. Server errors are always plain/text error 500.
Endpoint :
version = The client version number (current = 3) method = The method or action to perform (see below)
No Parameters
offer = a JSON encoded offer object
token = A token from retrieved from get_info
fee_percent = Requested fee percent. Can only be higher than fee percent retreived from get_info.
offer_max_age = (Optional) Maximum time in milliseconds the client is willing to wait for an offer to be executed by the server.
A JSON object containing an Offer ID
offer_id = An offer ID retreived from submit_offer
Returns a status object
"waiting" = means to retry the request
"not_found" = Offer ID was not recognised. Fatal error, resubmit the offer.
"active_proposal" = An active proposal has been found. The object will also contain a proposal_id for the next stage.
proposal_id = The proposal ID from get_offer_id
offer_id = The Offer ID from submit_offer
Returns a status object
"completed" = The Proposal has already been completed. A tx_hash & tx will be returned.
"signatures_needed" = The client is required to submit a number of signatures by signing the attached tx data.
proposal_id = The proposal ID from get_offer_id
offer_id = The Offer ID from submit_offer
input_scripts = A number of JSON encoded signature scripts
Returns a status object
"not_found" = Proposal ID was not recognised. Resubmit the current offer.
"completed" = The proposal is complete. Client should submit the next offer.
"verification_failed" = signature verification failed. Can retry but probably fatal.
"signatures_accepted" = All good. Proceed to poll_for_proposal_completed.
proposal_id = The proposal ID from get_offer_id
Returns a status object
"waiting" = means to retry the request
"not_found" = Proposal ID was not recognised. Fatal error, resubmit the current offer.
"completed" = The proposal is complete. Client should submit the next offer.