Welcome to the Rosalind Solutions repository!
Rosalind is a platform for learning bioinformatics and programming through problem solving. This project aims to provide clear, well-documented solutions to the problems on Rosalind.
- CONS - [Link] [Code]
- DNA - [Link] [Code]
- FIBD - [Link] [Code]
- FIB - [Link] [Code]
- FILT - [Link] [Code]
- FRMT - [Link] [Code]
- GBK - [Link] [Code]
- GC - [Link] [Code]
- GRPH - [Link] [Code]
- HAMM - [Link] [Code]
- IEV - [Link] [Code]
- INI1 - [Link] [Code]
- INI2 - [Link] [Code]
- INI3 - [Link] [Code]
- INI4 - [Link] [Code]
- INI5 - [Link] [Code]
- INI6 - [Link] [Code]
- INI - [Link] [Code]
- IPRB - [Link] [Code]
- LCSM - [Link] [Code]
- LIA - [Link] [Code]
- MEME - [Link] [Code]
- MRNA - [Link] [Code]
- NEED - [Link] [Code]
- PHRE - [Link] [Code]
- PROT - [Link] [Code]
- PTRA - [Link] [Code]
- REVC - [Link] [Code]
- RNA - [Link] [Code]
- RVCO - [Link] [Code]
- SUBS - [Link] [Code]
- TFSQ - [Link] [Code]
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/shalinis602/rosalind.git cd rosalind
Create and activate a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate`
Install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Alternatively, you can use conda environment.
Install Miniconda or Anaconda.
Create and activate the conda environment.
conda env create -f environment.yml conda activate <environment_name>
Now your Rosalind project is set up with a virtual environment, ensuring a consistent and conflict-free development environment. You can download the relevant datasets from Rosalind and run the python scripts.