In ConfigUtils.cloneObject, Shaka clones objects by doing JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arg))
In PlayheadObserver.cloneTimelineInfo_, Shaka clones a TimelineRegionInfo using ConfigUtils.cloneObject. There is even a helpful comment saying:
// cloneObject uses JSON to clone, which won't copy the DOM element.
copy.eventElement = source.eventElement;
On Tizen 2016 TV's, it appears that this is not the case. JSON.stringify will attempt to serialize cyclic structures (the DOM element), and throws a TypeError as a result.
Fwiw 2016 TV's report this navigator.userAgent string:
Mozilla/5.0 (SMART-TV; Linux; Tizen 2.4.0) AppleWebKit/538.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/2.4.0 TV Safari/538.1
I don't mind putting together a PR to address this. Perhaps a different cloneObject implementation is warranted? One which detects circular structures and compensates? I'm open to suggestions.