System info
Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04
Shaka Packager Version: v2.4.2
Issue and steps to reproduce the problem
Hi, I am trying to use udp feed for a live publish and generate multi-period dynamic mpds.
I tried below 2 packager commands but no luck. command 1 doesn't generate the mpd at all. It generates only the init and media segment files. Command 2 generates the mpd with a single period. Both commands give the following error/warnings on the console.
[0618/] Unusually large number of cached timestamps (91).
[0618/] [MPEG-2 TS] PID 481 Possible GAP at dts 1744491120 with next sample at dts 1744494120 (difference 3000)
[0618/] Unexpected container_id: 0
Packager Command:
/root/packager-linux 'in=udp://y.y.y.y:?interface=x.x.x.x,stream=video,init_segment=h264_360p_init.mp4,segment_template=h264_360p_$Number$.m4s' --ad_cues '600;1800;3000' --generate_static_live_mpd --mpd_output h264.mpd
/root/packager-linux 'in=udp://y.y.y.y:?interface=x.x.x.x,stream=video,init_segment=h264_360p_init.mp4,segment_template=h264_360p_$Number$.m4s' --ad_cues '600;1800;3000' --mpd_output h264.mpd
What is the expected result?
Multi-period dynamic mpd after 600s.
What happens instead?
Command 2 generates the mpd with a single period
New to shaka packager. Any help will be appreciated.