Redipper is a simple redis wrapper for Lettuce which makes it easier to use. The core features are:
- Definition of spaces over redis which gives a table-like feel over db.
- Generic collection API like Redisson.
- Automatic serialization of objects.
- Various encoders for compression and encryption.
Create object of any classes on your demand.
val personCache = RedisMap.newBuilder<Person>(redisConfig, "person")
.withTtl(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.withLoader { getPerson() }
personCache.set(, personInstance)
If you have specific serializer, you can pass it to redisWrapper as described below:
val studentCache = RedisMap.newBuilder<Student>(redisConfig, "student")
.withTtl(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.withLoader { getStudent() }
studentCache.set(, studentInstance)
Most of this code is written by Mohammad Hossein Liaghat and Mohammad Amin Badiezadegan.