Use pre-trained latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) models to infer document-topic distributions from a set of PDFs. The document-topic distribution provides an overview of what topics are found within each of the PDF documents, and in what proportion (topic 1 = 20%, topic 2 = 5% etc.).
Such document-topic distributions can then be used to calculate the similarity between two PDF documents. Here similarity is calculated with the Hellinger distance, a measure to calculate the distance between two probability distributions. Note that the Hellinger distance is symmetrical, meaning the distance between x and y = distance between y and x; contrary to KL-divergence for instance.
Add PDFs to the folder files/pdf
Packages required: logging, textract, glob2, spacy, nltk, seaborn, numpy, pandas, matplotlib, gensim, multiprocessing, joblib, scipy
Install spacy with the following commands:
pip install -U spacy
python -m spacy download en
install stopwords from nltk:
import nltk'stopwords')
important when converting pdf to plain text: use chardet==2.3.0 for textract (to convert pdf to plain text). The latest version of chardet does not work properly in some cases where encoding cannot be retrieved
There are 6 switches that can be set to True, either all at the same time, or by turning them on one-by-one
- convert PDF files to plain text variant
- creates the files/plain folder
- convert plain text to individual word tokens (bag-of-words)
- tokenization
- lemmatization (policies -> policy)
- remove stop words (the, a, of)
- remove numbers
- remove single character tokens
- group Upercase and lowercase (Fisheries = fisheries)
- creates the files/tokens folder
- convert plain text to individual word tokens (bag-of-words)
- infer the document-topic distribution of a document
- creates the files/topics folder
- creates a topics.csv file
- plot distribution of topics in documents (num_publications x topics)
- creates topics.pdf
- calculate the hellinger distance between document-topic distributions
- creates similarities.csv
- plot dendrogram
- creates similarities_dendrogram.pdf
- plot document similarity heatmap (num_publications x num_publications)
- creates similarities.pdf
There are 2 trained LDA models included in the files/lda folder. Note that these models are trained using corpora from the domain of fisheries science. Inferring document-topic distributions will correctly work only if the PDFs can be categorized as 'fisheries'.
- model 1
- LDA model with 16 topics trained on 72,000 publication abstracts of all 50 fisheries journals from 2000-2017,
- Mapping the global network of fisheries science collaboration
- (online soon)
- LDA model with 16 topics trained on 72,000 publication abstracts of all 50 fisheries journals from 2000-2017,
- model 2
- LDA model with 25 topics trained on 46,000 full-text publications from 21 fisheries journals from 1990-2016
- Narrow lenses for capturing the complexity of fisheries: A topic analysis of fisheries science from 1990 to 2016
- LDA model with 25 topics trained on 46,000 full-text publications from 21 fisheries journals from 1990-2016
lda_type = 1 or lda_type = 2
You can train your own LDA topic model with the code provided here: