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Use LDA to infer document-topic distributions from a set of PDFs and calculate their similarities

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LDA Document Similarity

Use pre-trained latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) models to infer document-topic distributions from a set of PDFs. The document-topic distribution provides an overview of what topics are found within each of the PDF documents, and in what proportion (topic 1 = 20%, topic 2 = 5% etc.).

Such document-topic distributions can then be used to calculate the similarity between two PDF documents. Here similarity is calculated with the Hellinger distance, a measure to calculate the distance between two probability distributions. Note that the Hellinger distance is symmetrical, meaning the distance between x and y = distance between y and x; contrary to KL-divergence for instance.

What to do first

Add PDFs to the folder files/pdf

Packages required: logging, textract, glob2, spacy, nltk, seaborn, numpy, pandas, matplotlib, gensim, multiprocessing, joblib, scipy

Install spacy with the following commands:

pip install -U spacy
python -m spacy download en

install stopwords from nltk:

import nltk'stopwords')

important when converting pdf to plain text: use chardet==2.3.0 for textract (to convert pdf to plain text). The latest version of chardet does not work properly in some cases where encoding cannot be retrieved

How to run


Which switches to turn on (set to True)

There are 6 switches that can be set to True, either all at the same time, or by turning them on one-by-one

  • perform_pdf_to_plain

    • convert PDF files to plain text variant
    • creates the files/plain folder
  • perform_tokenization

    • convert plain text to individual word tokens (bag-of-words)
      • tokenization
      • lemmatization (policies -> policy)
      • remove stop words (the, a, of)
      • remove numbers
      • remove single character tokens
      • group Upercase and lowercase (Fisheries = fisheries)
    • creates the files/tokens folder
  • perform_topic_inference

    • infer the document-topic distribution of a document
    • creates the files/topics folder
    • creates a topics.csv file
  • plot_topics_in_documents

    • plot distribution of topics in documents (num_publications x topics)
    • creates topics.pdf
  • perform_document_similarity

    • calculate the hellinger distance between document-topic distributions
    • creates similarities.csv
  • plot_document_similarity

    • plot dendrogram
    • creates similarities_dendrogram.pdf
    • plot document similarity heatmap (num_publications x num_publications)
    • creates similarities.pdf

Which topic model to use

There are 2 trained LDA models included in the files/lda folder. Note that these models are trained using corpora from the domain of fisheries science. Inferring document-topic distributions will correctly work only if the PDFs can be categorized as 'fisheries'.

  • model 1
    • LDA model with 16 topics trained on 72,000 publication abstracts of all 50 fisheries journals from 2000-2017,
  • model 2
    • LDA model with 25 topics trained on 46,000 full-text publications from 21 fisheries journals from 1990-2016


lda_type = 1 or lda_type = 2

You can train your own LDA topic model with the code provided here:


Use LDA to infer document-topic distributions from a set of PDFs and calculate their similarities






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