Provides Canada Post shipping rates and tracking functionality for Drupal Commerce.
Use Composer to get Commerce Canada Post with all dependencies:
composer require drupal/commerce_canadapost
Enable module.
Go to /admin/commerce/config/shipping-methods/add:
- Select 'Canada Post' as the Plugin
- Select a default package type
- Select all the shipping services that should be enabled
- Click on the Canada Post API settings link under 'API Authentication'
- Enter the customer number, username, password and other optional config and save configuration.
Tracking summary for each shipment on an order can be seen in the order view page.
To add the tracking code received from Canada Post to a shipment:
Go to /admin/commerce/orders/{COMMERCE_ORDER_ID}/shipments
Click on the 'Edit' button under the appropriate shipment
Enter the tracking code received from Canada Post in the 'Tracking code' field and save.
Once a shipment is updated with a tracking code, tracking summary is automatically updated via cron.
It can also be done via the drush command: drush cc-uptracking