SJSU CS249 Project 1 - Stateless File Server with Client Side Cache
- Java 8 SDK
We use Gradle for build automation. If gradle is not installed on your system you can use the provided Gradle Wrapper to perform all build commands. gradlew.bat for Windows systems and gradlew for Linux/MacOS systems. Java 8 must be installed on your system with a proper JAVA_HOME environment variable.
Clean the project build paths by running 'gradlew clean'
To build an executable jar for the Server run: gradlew jarServer
You will find the resulting server jar inside ./build/libs.
To build an executable jar for the Client run: gradlew jarClient
You will find the resulting client jar inside ./build/libs.
Run the server in the command line with: java -jar server*.jar
Run the client in the command line with: java -jar client*.jar
When prompted for a port, enter a port that is available on your system.