This is a basic Node.js survey example using the Express framework.
- Node.js >=0.10.0
- Bootstrap 3
- Express 4
- jQuery 2
- Handlebars
- PM2
- Sequelize
From the CLI navigate to the project directory and run the following command:
npm install;
You'll be prompted to enter the MySQL credentials, along with the Express HTTP server settings.
After the installation is completed you can start the server with the following command:
npm start;
If you need to re-run the setup, run the following command:
npm run setup;
Once the server is running you should be able to access the following URLs. Note to adjust the domain and port accordingly if you changed the default settings.
Survey: http://localhost:3000/
Admin: http://localhost:3000/admin/
The admin credentials are stored in the MySQL database under the admin
The admin password
is stored in cleartext.
The following credentials are added by default and can be used to access the admin through the web:
Username: admin
Password: pass
Starting the project:
npm start;
Setting up the project:
npm run setup;
Developing with the project:
npm run dev;
Syncing the datastore:
npm run sync;
Testing the project:
npm test;