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Manual Installation

Ricardo Saracino edited this page Jul 15, 2019 · 51 revisions

Operating System: Linux (Debian/Ubuntu recommended)

This document will walk you through all the steps to install OneBody on a Ubuntu Linux server with Apache, MySQL, Ruby, and some other stuff. If you'd rather serve the app with Nginx, you can still follow a lot of the steps here, but also see Serving with Nginx.


First, a word of warning: OneBody is not a PHP app that can be FTP'd to a cheap web host. You will need a dedicated Linux server (or Virtual Private Server) with 1 Gb of memory and root shell access.

If you don't feel comfortable logging into a web server from the console, typing lots of commands, reading the output, Googling error messages, and generally troubleshooting the whole process, then please don't try this. If you don't have an hour to spare, then don't try to rush it, as it will only end in frustration—It would be better for you find a consultant on or oDesk and pay them to do it.

On the other hand, if you're an I.T./sysadmin/hacker with guts, then please proceed!

Using Sudo

If you're logged in as the root user, then everywhere you see sudo below, you can pretend it's not there (don't type it).

Let's Go!

  1. Get a Linux server with Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS on it. A newer version of Ubuntu will likely work. Debian should work, but extra googling may be required.

    If you are using RedHat/CentOS, SuSE or something else "enterprise" worthy, you're kinda on your own.

  2. Install all this software first:

    sudo apt-get install -y vim build-essential curl \
    libreadline-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev \
    git mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev \
    libaprutil1-dev libapr1-dev \
    apache2 apache2-threaded-dev libapache2-mod-xsendfile \

    That command is for Debian/Ubuntu; if you're using another Linux distro, you'll need to find and install the same packages (possibly different names) using your distro's package management tool.

    On Debian Jessie there is a "nodejs" package, but not on older Debian releases. You may need to install Node.js by following these steps from Joyent.

  3. Install Ruby 2.2 or higher. Brightbox has a Ruby package for Ubuntu, which you can install like this:

    sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common
    sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:brightbox/ruby-ng
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y ruby2.2 ruby2.2-dev

    If you're on Debian, you can follow the instructions here for compiling Ruby from source.

    Whatever method you choose, don't move on from this step until you can type ruby --version and see "ruby 2.2.0" (or a newer version) in your console.

  4. Install Node.js:

    curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
    sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  5. Install Yarn:

    curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -
    echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y yarn
  6. Now, let's get the OneBody source code!

    cd /var/www
    git clone git://
    cd onebody

    This will put the latest and greatest, bleeding edge OneBody code in the /var/www/onebody directory.

    Now, it's recommened you switch to a tagged release of OneBody, which you can do with the command git checkout 3.8.0.

  7. Make sure Apache will be able to write tmp files and logs and such:

    mkdir -p tmp/pids log public/system
    chmod -R 777 tmp log public/system
    chmod -R 777 cache
  8. Now, create your database:

    mysql -u root -e "create database onebody default character set utf8 default collate utf8_general_ci; grant all on onebody.* to onebody@localhost identified by 'onebody';"

    If you get an error about access being denied, then you may need to use mysql -u root -p -e "..." and enter your root password.

    You'll notice we set the username and password to "onebody" and "onebody". That is ok, as long as you: 1) trust all the users logging into this Linux server (or you're the only one), and 2) do not grant access to users outside of localhost (notice the onebody@localhost part). If you cannot answer yes to both of those questions, then please change the password to something else (you'll just need to change it also in the config/database.yml file in the next step) and make sure /var/www/onebody is not accessible to those devious users you let on your server. :-)

  9. cp config/database.yml{.mysql-example,}

    If you used something other than "onebody" for your MySQL password, then change it appropriately in this file using vim or nano or another text editor.

  10. Install the bundler gem and then use bundler to install all OneBody gem dependencies:

    sudo gem install bundler
    bundle install --deployment

    Do not continue if you get an error saying something could not be downloaded/compiled/installed. There may be other development packages that need to be installed here, like "libxml", so read the errors carefully, install the needed stuff, then come back and run this command again.

  11. cp config/secrets.yml{.example,} then edit the config/secrets.yml file and add a random secret token to the "production" section.

    (You can use bundle exec rake secret to generate a new random secret that you can copy and paste into the secrets.yml file, or just make up something really long and random by smashing your head on the keyboard.)

  12. RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate db:seed

    Watch the output! Don't move on if you see an error on the screen.

  13. Install JavaScript dependencies:

    yarn install
  14. RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile to prepare all the CSS and JavaScript files.

    If this step fails complaining about lack of JavaScript runtime, you should make sure you have Node.js installed. You should have installed Node.js above.

  15. Add the Passenger APT repository from Phusion (follow directions at that link) and then run:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-passenger
    sudo a2enmod passenger
    sudo service apache2 restart

    Then, to make sure all that worked, run the following command:

    apachectl -M

    You should see passenger_module in the list. If you don't, go back, read the Passenger documentation, and try again.

  16. Next we need to edit the default vhost (or create a new vhost) and point the DocumentRoot to the onebody/public folder.

    For Ubuntu/Debian, that looks something like this: vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/default or vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf and change the DocumentRoot to be /var/www/onebody/public.

    Next you need to add these two lines to the config: XSendFile On and XSendFilePath /var/www/onebody/public/system. So, to recap, you need to have the following three lines in your Apache vhost (not necessarily right next to each other):

     DocumentRoot /var/www/onebody/public
     XSendFile On
     XSendFilePath /var/www/onebody/public/system
  17. Now enable the xsendfile Apache module and restart Apache:

    sudo a2enmod xsendfile
    sudo service apache2 restart

    Now, if you did all that right, you probably have OneBody running on your host. You will want to map a domain to your host with DNS, but to test it out, type http://YOUR_IP_HERE into a browser.

    If nothing comes up, you'll need to troubleshoot a few things (not in the scope of this document), such as firewall (iptables), is that the right public IP address, etc. God be with you!

    Oh, and a few more things:

  18. Pick a path in the Email Setup page to set up incoming and outgoing email.

    Incoming and outgoing email is a must for group interaction and person-to-person communication. Also, since signing up as a new user sends an email to admins, sign-up will fail with a big ugly error message for new users until this is complete.

  19. Write the user crontab:

    RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec whenever -w

    This is necessary for a whole lot of things (you can see what it wrote by typing crontab -l) such as incoming email, group membership updates, news feed imports, etc.

  20. Set up DNS on your domain so you can use instead of 111.222.333.444.

    You need an A record pointing your domain to your IP address. It's pretty simple.

    You'll also need an MX record for incoming email. See Email Setup for help with that.

  21. SSL Setup

Whew! We know that was a lot. If you made it this far, and OneBody is running, then congratulations!

What's next? Complete the form on the initial Setup screen, then head over to the Settings page in the Admin dashboard, and start customizing!


I only see a listing of files when I visit my site.

Passenger isn't installed properly. Go back to steps 12 and 13 and try again. You might need to consult the Passenger install docs for further help.

I cannot upload photos.

You need to create the public/system, tmp and log directories and make sure they are writable:

cd /var/www/onebody
mkdir tmp log public/system
sudo chmod -R 777 tmp log public/system

Also ensure that ImageMagick is installed:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick

When new users try to sign up, they get an ugly error.

You need to set up your email server for outgoing email. Since signing up sends an request email to admins, and you don't have a mail server, Rails freaks out.

How to Upgrade

This section has been moved to How To Upgrade Manually.