This plugin gives knife the ability to create guests on a XAPI compatable hyper visor
This plugin is distributed as a Ruby Gem. To install it, run:
gem install knife-xapi
Config options are extenable in the knife.rb the folowing k/v pairs are implemented
- Chef::Config[:xenserver_host]
The API Host to connect to
- Chef::Config[:xenserver_username]
The User name to connect to the api with
- Chef::Config[:xenserver_password]
The Password (if not set will prompt on commandline)
- Chef::Config[:xapi_vm_template]
Set a default template to be used when creating Guests
- Chef::Config[:xapi_install_repo]
The install repo config option to set when using Xen builtin templates
- Chef::Config[:xapi_sr]
The Storage Repository to provision from, uses pool/hypervisor default when not set
- Chef::Config[:xapi_disk_size]
Default VM disk size (8g if not specified)
- Chef::Config[:xapi_cpus]
The Default CPUs to provision for guests (2 if not specified)
- Chef::Config[:xapi_mem] = mem
The Defaul ammount of Memory for guests (1g if not specified)
- Chef::Config[:xapi_kernel_params]
Optional Boot paramaters to pass to the guest
- Chef::Config[:xapi_bootstrap]
Not implemented yet, but will be the bootstrap script to execute after guest create
Basic usage to create a VM from existing VM template:
knife xapi guest create "NewBox" "public" --xapi-vm-template "MyBaseBox" --host http://sandbox/
More verbose example using a kickstart file and booting the Centos 5 default template:
knife xapi guest create "MySpiffyBox" "pub_network" --host http://sandbox/ \ -B "dns= ks= ip= netmask= gateway=" \ -R -C 4 -M 4g -D 5g
*-B Boot args where i am assigning all the centos/rhel boot args for Ip setup and kickstart file *-R Repo URL used by xenserver to start the net install *-C Number of cpus for this guest *-M Memory size *-D Disk size
Use Knife builtin help schematic for more info
knife xapi guest create --help
Delete is pretty simple. When there are multiple vms with a name label you should be prompted to select one
knife xapi guest delete testing
If you know the UUID of the VM you can specify –uuid
knife xapi guest delete b461c0d2-d24d-bc02-3231-711101f57b8e --uuid
List shows the vm’s on the pool/host Ignoring Controll domains and templates. VM OpaqueRef and UUID are displayed which can be
knife xapi guest list Name Label Ref UUID test-server OpaqueRef:82065b80-55ff-63ce-ef89-6b33fb5fd272 9b0a0afa-5573-7875-b787-47fbfa2548a4 tester OpaqueRef:2d239fbd-bff6-4e60-f675-e1d2530199d2 de760651-2db8-6f81-0783-7b8364f591fd test-client OpaqueRef:e4bbd801-c9be-e355-2a22-2ca468a90a81 35156957-45f4-02f8-6de9-6adbcd5e0c6d test-client OpaqueRef:f5b562f8-a493-f535-335e-ae70b3177869 f46e4d6b-bd9e-e47b-5f0d-b849ff75c5ef