The shell is a program that provides the user with an interface to use the
operating system’s functions through some commands. A shell script is a
program that is used to perform specific tasks
Shell scripts are mostly used to avoid repetitive work. You can write
a script to automate a set of instructions to be executed one after the other,
instead of typing in the commands one after the other n number of time
echo "Welcome!! Please Enter Your Name"
read name
echo "Hello $name"
Now that we have seen what a typical shell script looks like,
let’s look at how to execute the file
1. Save the file with a .sh extension
2. To execute the file, first we need to give it execute permissions.
- chmod +x filepath/
3. To execute the file, we can do it in the following ways
- If you are using a GUI file navigation system, right-click on the file and click on run or execute.
- If you are using the terminal, ./ will execute the script.
(Make sure you are in the correct directory!)
- Shell Basics
- Shell Permissions
- Shell Redirections
- Shell Variables and Expansions