- Note that this crate implements the URL Standard not RFC 1738 or RFC 3986
Describe the bug
librsvg uses the data-url crate to parse data URLs. I recently added librsvg to OSS-Fuzz, which triggered a case where a fuzzed ~630KB data URL inside of an SVG caused data-url to allocate >2.5GB memory.
That seems like a lot of memory given the size of the input, but I'm not sure how pathological the fuzzed data is.
Version: 0.3.1
Sample code to reproduce the issue
use data_url::DataUrl;
use std::fs;
fn main() {
if let Ok(data) = fs::read_to_string("fuzzed_data.txt") {
let url = DataUrl::process(&data).unwrap();
Massif data
n time(B) total(B) useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B) stacks(B)
45 2,833,383,176 2,833,379,096 2,833,374,944 4,152 0
46 2,833,383,176 2,833,379,096 2,833,374,944 4,152 0
100.00% (2,833,374,944B) (heap allocation functions) malloc/new/new[], --alloc-fns, etc.
->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x11ABF7: realloc (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x11ABF7: alloc::alloc::Global::grow_impl (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x11AFEF: <alloc::alloc::Global as core::alloc::Allocator>::grow (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x1143DA: alloc::raw_vec::finish_grow (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x114CF9: alloc::raw_vec::RawVec<T,A>::grow_amortized (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x115458: alloc::raw_vec::RawVec<T,A>::reserve::do_reserve_and_handle (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x11D698: reserve<u8, alloc::alloc::Global> (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x11D698: alloc::vec::Vec<T,A>::reserve (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x11D357: alloc::vec::Vec<T,A>::append_elements (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x11C428: <alloc::vec::Vec<T,A> as alloc::vec::spec_extend::SpecExtend<&T,core::slice::iter::Iter<T>>>::spec_extend (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x11D455: alloc::vec::Vec<T,A>::extend_from_slice (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x116FCA: data_url::DataUrl::decode_to_vec::{{closure}} (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x119064: data_url::decode_without_base64 (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x116DCF: data_url::DataUrl::decode (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x116E62: data_url::DataUrl::decode_to_vec (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x111F01: crash::main (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x11218A: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x1120ED: std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x112950: std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}} (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x136875: call_once<(), (dyn core::ops::function::Fn<(), Output=i32> + core::marker::Sync + core::panic::unwind_safe::RefUnwindSafe)> (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x136875: do_call<&(dyn core::ops::function::Fn<(), Output=i32> + core::marker::Sync + core::panic::unwind_safe::RefUnwindSafe), i32> (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x136875: try<i32, &(dyn core::ops::function::Fn<(), Output=i32> + core::marker::Sync + core::panic::unwind_safe::RefUnwindSafe)> (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x136875: catch_unwind<&(dyn core::ops::function::Fn<(), Output=i32> + core::marker::Sync + core::panic::unwind_safe::RefUnwindSafe), i32> (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x136875: {closure
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x136875: do_call<std::rt::lang_start_internal::{closure_env
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x136875: try<isize, std::rt::lang_start_internal::{closure_env
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x136875: catch_unwind<std::rt::lang_start_internal::{closure_env
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x136875: std::rt::lang_start_internal (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x112929: std::rt::lang_start (
| ->99.98% (2,832,728,064B) 0x1120DD: main
->00.02% (646,880B) in 1+ places, all below ms_print's threshold (01.00%)
No labels