There are a few things where metadata could be improved. For instance:
1. Integers and floats get auto converted to strings:
>>> from panflute import *
>>> doc = Doc()
>>> doc.metadata['spam'] = 42
>>> repr(doc.metadata['spam'])
>>> doc.metadata['spam'] + 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#5>", line 1, in <module>
doc.metadata['spam'] + 0
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'MetaString' and 'int'
Here, we would expect doc.metadata['spam']
to be the number 42 instead of the string "42".
I don't recall the exact reason for this, but I suspect it's because that's what Pandoc does (which in turn, it might be because of how yaml works?)
>pandoc --from=markdown --to=native --standalone
foo: 42
bar: spam
eggs: true
(Meta {unMeta = fromList
[("bar",MetaInlines [Str "spam"]),
("eggs",MetaBool True),
("foo",MetaInlines [Str "42"])
[Para [Str "foo"]]
(note the Str "42"
2. Metadata uses dict-style instead of properties
It might be good to offer both syntaxes:
doc.metadata['settings']['size'] = 10 # currently supported
doc.metadata.settings.size = 10 # alternative
Not sure if this goes too much against pep20 though...
3. Simplify internals
Currently, MetaString
is the same as Str
but inheriting from MetaValue
(which is an empty class). Maybe we can just use Str
and adjust the oktypes of the Meta
containers accordingly.
There might also be other internals that can be simplified