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What do I expect from this project

  • DONE Pre-process HTML,JS,CSS on files save
  • DONE Lint JS, CSS on files save
  • DONE Have modular front-end JavaScript using RequireJS
  • DONE Lint, Concatenate, Minify + update HTML markup if necessary on grunt command
  • DONE Push optimized website to Github pages on grunt deploy:gh command
  • DONE Revision static file assets according to their content, so instead of main.js have something like 9bec739.main.js
  • DONE Manage vendor libraries with bower
  • Have TDD workflow in place
  • Have an option to upload assets to CDN and update HTML accordingly on grunt build
  • Add support for Browserify
  • Add custom JS/CSS assets per page via YAML front matter


You need Grunt v0.4 or later installed. If you have older version:

  • Uninstall old grunt package: npm uninstall -g grunt

  • Install new one: npm install -g grunt-cli

How to build

  • Install git (optional) and node (with npm)

  • Install Grunt and Bower: npm install -g grunt-cli bower docpad

  • Clone the skeleton git clone or download archive

  • Switch to the source branch git checkout source

  • CD into cloned/extracted directory and install skeleton dependencies npm install and bower install

  • Build with grunt (production-ready project will be built into ./dist directory)

How to develop

Follow "How to build" steps above and instead of running grunt command, do following:

  • First run npm install -d to install devDependencies

  • Activate watch/server process with docpad run and open http://localhost:9778

  • Activate lintint/testing with grunt watch

  • Develop in ./src directory and receive immediate feedback in the Browser and in the Terminal

Using vendor library

For example you need jQuery. Do following:

  • bower install jquery --save to install the component and add it to the bower.json

  • In scripts/main.js or any other stand-alone script do something like:

    require(['jquery'], function($) {
      console.log('Here you go, we have jquery available: ' + $);

Next time you run grunt all will be bundled together in proper order and minified - what can be better?

How build process works

  • When you execute docpad generate or docpad run docpad generates development (unoptimized) version of app to .tmp directory

  • When you execute grunt, few things happen:

    1. Docpad generates staging version of app (without dev plugins, like LiveReload etc.) to .tmp.stage directory
    2. RequireJS optimizer takes staging files and crunches them into dist directory.
    3. Staging directory is removed - you end up with .tmp and dist directories

    Now, of course there are some other tasks in the middle of these processes, better look into Gruntfile.js to get the exact picture

Things to improve

  • instead of replacing script tags with grunt-usemin in preprocessed HTML, replace them with Docpad plugin in layouts before preprocessing is done - this will boost up the performance of grunt command as it may take some time to parse all generated HTML files in distribution directory..
  • DONE Move src/files/scripts/vendor/require.js to bower and use it from there


Docpad skeleton with RequireJS + Bower + Grunt






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Contributors 3
