The purpose of this project is to create an complete, ready to use, installation of OpenVAS8 on debian wheezy 7.8 with all needed additional software packages in compatible / recommended versions - dirb, nikto, redis, nmap, wapiti. Arachni is installed in the latest version. It seems that OpenVAS is no more compatible with this product.
This is my first OpenVAS8 container with the main purpose of getting clean testing / auditing environment in no time. I am planning on creating a set of containers to build an OpenVAS8 testing cluster with master node and slaves including easy to update architecture and volumes for configured data.
Docker Ports available:
443, 9390, 9391
Arachni Web
Build container from Dockerfile using
docker build -t sergekatzmann/openvas8-complete .
Run container in daemon mode with
docker run -d -p 443:443 -p 9390:9390 -p 9391:9391 -p 9292:9292 sergekatzmann/openvas8-complete
Open OpenVAS8 in browser using the following link:
User: admin
Password: openvas
Connect to running container with
docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash
Running arachni web gui.
Following docker run command will create a non persistent container and start arachni web gui on port 9292. You can stop the container by using CTRL-C.
docker run --rm=true -p 9292:9292 sergekatzmann/openvas8-complete /opt/arachni/bin/arachni_web
Open arachni web gui in your browser using the following link:
Thanks to Mike Splain for his great OpenVAS7 Docker container (
Thanks to Simon Davies, ProCheckUp for his "Installing OpenVAS 8 Beta From Source On Debian" article. (