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Add enum for JSON error codes in DiscordJsonError
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Ivin committed Sep 1, 2024
1 parent 1db2076 commit 2a70b48
Showing 1 changed file with 238 additions and 3 deletions.
241 changes: 238 additions & 3 deletions src/http/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,11 +10,246 @@ use url::ParseError as UrlError;

use crate::internal::prelude::*;

enum_number! {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub enum JsonErrorCode {
General = 0,

// Unknown entity (10xxx)
UnknownAccount = 10001,
UnknownApplication = 10002,
UnknownChannel = 10003,
UnknownGuild = 10004,
UnknownIntegration = 10005,
UnknownInvite = 10006,
UnknownMember = 10007,
UnknownMessage = 10008,
UnknownPermissionOverwrite = 10009,
UnknownProvider = 10010,
UnknownRole = 10011,
UnknownToken = 10012,
UnknownUser = 10013,
UnknownEmoji = 10014,
UnknownWebhook = 10015,
UnknownWebhookService = 10016,
UnknownSession = 10020,
UnknownBan = 10026,
UnknownSKU = 10027,
UnknownStoreListing = 10028,
UnknownEntitlement = 10029,
UnknownBuild = 10030,
UnknownLobby = 10031,
UnknownBranch = 10032,
UnknownStoreDirectoryLayout = 10033,
UnknownRedistributable = 10036,
UnknownGiftCode = 10038,
UnknownStream = 10049,
UnknownPremiumServerSubscribeCooldown = 10050,
UnknownGuildTemplate = 10057,
UnknownDiscoverableServerCategory = 10059,
UnknownSticker = 10060,
UnknownStickerPack = 10061,
UnknownInteraction = 10062,
UnknownApplicationCommand = 10063,
UnknownVoiceState = 10065,
UnknownApplicationCommandPermissions = 10066,
UnknownStageInstance = 10067,
UnknownGuildMemberVerificationForm = 10068,
UnknownGuildWelcomeScreen = 10069,
UnknownGuildScheduledEvent = 10070,
UnknownGuildScheduledEventUser = 10071,
UnknownTag = 10087,

// Hit restriction (20xxx)
BotsCannotUseThisEndpoint = 20001,
OnlyBotsCanUseThisEndpoint = 20002,
ExplicitContentCannotBeSentToRecipient = 20009,
NotAuthorizedForAction = 20012,
SlowmodeRateLimit = 20016,
OnlyOwnerCanPerform = 20018,
AnnouncementRateLimit = 20022,
UnderMinimumAge = 20024,
ChannelWriteRateLimit = 20028,
ServerWriteRateLimit = 20029,
ForbiddenWordsInName = 20031,
GuildPremiumSubscriptionLevelTooLow = 20035,

// Hit maximum limit (30xxx)
MaxGuildsReached = 30001,
MaxFriendsReached = 30002,
MaxPinsReached = 30003,
MaxRecipientsReached = 30004,
MaxGuildRolesReached = 30005,
MaxWebhooksReached = 30007,
MaxEmojisReached = 30008,
MaxReactionsReached = 30010,
MaxGroupDMsReached = 30011,
MaxGuildChannelsReached = 30013,
MaxAttachmentsReached = 30015,
MaxInvitesReached = 30016,
MaxAnimatedEmojisReached = 30018,
MaxServerMembersReached = 30019,
MaxServerCategoriesReached = 30030,
GuildAlreadyHasTemplate = 30031,
MaxApplicationCommandsReached = 30032,
MaxThreadParticipantsReached = 30033,
MaxDailyApplicationCommandCreatesReached = 30034,
MaxNonGuildMemberBansExceeded = 30035,
MaxBansFetchesReached = 30037,
MaxUncompletedGuildScheduledEventsReached = 30038,
MaxStickersReached = 30039,
MaxPruneRequestsReached = 30040,
MaxGuildWidgetSettingsUpdatesReached = 30042,
MaxEditsToOldMessagesReached = 30046,
MaxPinnedThreadsInForumChannelReached = 30047,
MaxTagsInForumChannelReached = 30048,
BitrateTooHighForChannelType = 30052,
MaxPremiumEmojisReached = 30056,
MaxWebhooksPerGuildReached = 30058,
MaxChannelPermissionOverwritesReached = 30060,
ChannelsTooLargeForGuild = 30061,

Unauthorized = 40001,
AccountVerificationRequired = 40002,
DirectMessagesTooFast = 40003,
SendMessagesDisabled = 40004,
RequestEntityTooLarge = 40005,
FeatureTemporarilyDisabled = 40006,
UserBannedFromGuild = 40007,
ConnectionRevoked = 40012,
TargetUserNotConnectedToVoice = 40032,
MessageAlreadyCrossposted = 40033,
ApplicationCommandNameExists = 40041,
ApplicationInteractionFailed = 40043,
CannotSendInForumChannel = 40058,
InteractionAlreadyAcknowledged = 40060,
TagNamesMustBeUnique = 40061,
ServiceResourceRateLimited = 40062,
NoTagsForNonModerators = 40066,
TagRequiredForForumPost = 40067,
EntitlementAlreadyGranted = 40074,
CloudflareBlockingRequest = 40333,

MissingAccess = 50001,
InvalidAccountType = 50002,
CannotExecuteInDMChannel = 50003,
GuildWidgetDisabled = 50004,
CannotEditOtherUserMessage = 50005,
CannotSendEmptyMessage = 50006,
CannotSendMessagesToUser = 50007,
CannotSendMessagesInNonTextChannel = 50008,
ChannelVerificationLevelTooHigh = 50009,
OAuth2ApplicationNoBot = 50010,
OAuth2ApplicationLimitReached = 50011,
InvalidOAuth2State = 50012,
LackPermissionsForAction = 50013,
InvalidAuthToken = 50014,
NoteTooLong = 50015,
MessageBulkDeleteCountInvalid = 50016,
InvalidMFALevel = 50017,
MessageOnlyPinnedToSentChannel = 50019,
InvalidInviteCode = 50020,
CannotExecuteOnSystemMessage = 50021,
CannotExecuteOnChannelType = 50024,
InvalidOAuth2AccessToken = 50025,
MissingOAuth2Scope = 50026,
InvalidWebhookToken = 50027,
InvalidRole = 50028,
InvalidRecipient = 50033,
MessageTooOldToBulkDelete = 50034,
InvalidFormBody = 50035,
BotNotInGuild = 50036,
InvalidActivityAction = 50039,
InvalidAPIVersion = 50041,
FileTooLarge = 50045,
InvalidFileUploaded = 50046,
CannotSelfRedeemGift = 50054,
InvalidGuild = 50055,
InvalidSku = 50057,
InvalidRequestOrigin = 50067,
InvalidMessageType = 50068,
PaymentSourceRequiredForGift = 50070,
CannotModifySystemWebhook = 50073,
CannotDeleteCommunityGuildChannel = 50074,
CannotEditStickersInMessage = 50080,
InvalidStickerSent = 50081,
OperationOnArchivedThread = 50083,
InvalidThreadNotificationSettings = 50084,
BeforeValueEarlierThanThreadCreation = 50085,
CommunityServerChannelsMustBeText = 50086,
EventEntityTypeMismatch = 50091,
ServerNotAvailableInLocation = 50095,
ServerMonetizationRequired = 50097,
MoreBoostsRequired = 50101,
InvalidJsonInRequestBody = 50109,
OwnerCannotBePendingMember = 50131,
OwnershipTransferNotAllowedToBot = 50132,
FailedToResizeAsset = 50138,
CannotMixPremiumAndNormalEmoji = 50144,
UploadedFileNotFound = 50146,
VoiceMessagesNoAdditionalContent = 50159,
SingleAudioAttachmentRequired = 50160,
MetadataRequiredForVoiceMessages = 50161,
VoiceMessagesCannotBeEdited = 50162,
CannotDeleteGuildSubscriptionIntegration = 50163,
CannotSendVoiceMessagesInChannel = 50173,
UserAccountMustBeVerified = 50178,
NoPermissionForSticker = 50600,

TwoFactorRequired = 60003,
NoUsersWithDiscordTag = 80004,
ReactionBlocked = 90001,
UserCannotUseBurstReactions = 90002,

ApplicationNotAvailable = 110001,
ApiResourceOverloaded = 130000,
StageAlreadyOpen = 150006,

CannotReplyWithoutPermission = 160002,
ThreadAlreadyCreatedForMessage = 160004,
ThreadLocked = 160005,
MaxActiveThreadsReached = 160006,
MaxActiveAnnouncementThreadsReached = 160007,

InvalidJsonForLottieFile = 170001,
LottiesCannotContainRasterizedImages = 170002,
StickerMaxFramerateExceeded = 170003,
StickerFrameCountExceedsMax = 170004,
StickerFrameRateInvalid = 170006,
StickerAnimationDurationExceedsMaximum = 170007,

CannotUpdateFinishedEvent = 180000,
FailedToCreateStage = 180002,

MessageBlockedByAutomaticModeration = 200000,
TitleBlockedByAutomaticModeration = 200001,
ForumChannelWebhooksMustHaveThreadNameOrId = 220001,
ForumChannelWebhooksCannotHaveBothThreadNameAndId = 220002,
WebhooksCanOnlyCreateThreadsInForumChannels = 220003,
WebhookServicesCannotBeUsedInForumChannels = 220004,
MessageBlockedByHarmfulLinksFilter = 240000,

OnboardingRequirementsNotMet = 350000,
BelowOnboardingRequirements = 350001,

FailedToBanUsers = 500000,
PollVotingBlocked = 520000,
PollExpired = 520001,
InvalidChannelTypeForPollCreation = 520002,
CannotEditPollMessage = 520003,
CannotUseEmojiIncludedWithPoll = 520004,
CannotExpireNonPollMessage = 520006,

_ => Unknown(u32),

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct DiscordJsonError {
/// The error code.
pub code: i32,
pub code: JsonErrorCode,
/// The error message.
pub message: FixedString,
/// The full explained errors with their path in the request body.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,7 +291,7 @@ impl ErrorResponse {
status_code: r.status(),
url: FixedString::from_str_trunc(r.url().as_str()),
error: r.json().await.unwrap_or_else(|e| DiscordJsonError {
code: -1,
code: JsonErrorCode::Unknown(1),
errors: FixedArray::empty(),
message: format!("[Serenity] Could not decode json when receiving error response from discord:, {e}").trunc_into(),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,7 +487,7 @@ mod test {
async fn test_error_response_into() {
let error = DiscordJsonError {
code: 43121215,
code: JsonErrorCode::Unknown(43121215),
errors: FixedArray::empty(),
message: FixedString::from_static_trunc("This is a Ferris error"),
Expand Down

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