DepartmentManagementSystem Public
This department management projects was developed on ASP.NET MVC.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 31, 2023 -
address-microservice Public
Address Microservice / NodeJS - Express - MongoDB
ProgrammingApp Public
This programming application was developed on ASP.NET WEB API.
go-workspace Public
The repository (workspace) where I do "go" exercises
NorthwindBackend Public
This service oriented architecture project was developed on .NET Core.
Kodluyoruz - Trendyol Bootcamp W3 Case - Stack
Java UpdatedOct 5, 2020 -
SearchDomainDH Public
Information Gathering / Bing - Certificate - CertSpotter - Google - LinkedIn - OTX- PortScanner - ThreatCrowd - VirusTotal - Yahoo
DataHarvester Public
Information Gathering / Email - File - Hostname - IP - Port - Linkedin
toy-robot-refactoring Public
Kodluyoruz - Trendyol Bootcamp W4 Bonus Case - toy-robot
Java UpdatedOct 1, 2020 -
DesignPatterns Public
This projects was developed on C# with using design patterns.
C# UpdatedJun 10, 2019 -
ImageProcessing Public
This deep learning project was developed on Python Jupyter Notebook with using convnets.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJun 10, 2019 -
SeleniumTestProject Public
This test project was developed on Selenium with using Chrome Driver.
SanalMarket Public
This project was developed on C# WinForm with using binary search tree, heap and hash data structures.
This car park project was developed on C# WinForm with using linked list, queue and stack data structures.
C# UpdatedJun 10, 2019 -
CarParkProject_OnlyQueue Public
This car park project was developed on C# WinForm with using queue data structure.
BusTicketSystem Public
This ticket system project was developed on JAVA.
TicTacToe Public
This project was developed on C# WinForm(Metro Framework) with using socket programming.
C# UpdatedJun 10, 2019 -
BankApplication Public
This bank application was developed on C# WinForm.