Question: Merging pre-release branches & generated changelog #606
We're using semantic-release in our projects with many collaborators. When we develop a new feature we're creating a pre-release branch which publishes to a dist-tag named according to this branch name, so other developers can use it.
Let's say we develop feature-foo, we get pre-releases with dist-tag @feature-foo and tags x.y.z-feature-foo.1 and so on (x.y.z is the previous release version on that branch).
Since we have activated semantic-release/changelog in our .releaserc.json (see below), every pre-release will get a changelog entry according to its commit comments and a release header like this:
### Features
* My commit comment 2 ([d762374](link omitted))
# [x.y.z-feature-foo.2](link omitted) (2024-2-14)
### Features
* My commit comment 1 ([4e6731c](link omitted))
# [x.y.z-feature-foo.1](link omitted) (2024-2-14)
Now when the feature is finished, we merge the feature branch by Gitlab Mmerge request to the main branch. This causes the changelog file and every pre-release entry to be merged into the main branch changelog too, which clutters the changelog and is clearly not desired.
Now the questions:
- How is this intended to be handled?
- Has someone else the same problem?
- Are we doing something strange/wrong?
Kind regards
"branches": [
{"name": "feature-([0-9A-Za-z-]+)", "prerelease": true},
"plugins": [
"assets": ["package.json", ""],
"message": "chore(release): ${nextRelease.version} [skip ci]\n\n${nextRelease.notes}"