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Add TypeScript declarations for plugin options #514




For TypeScript users, this would allow easier configuration of the plugin in TS/JS files.

Semantic Release added a declaration file for index.js last year. Its Options type provides partial support for IntelliSense and type validation.

// index.d.ts
declare module "@semantic-release/git" {
    export type MicromatchGlob = string
    export interface AssetObject { path: MicromatchGlob }
    export type AssetEntry = AssetObject | MicromatchGlob;
    export interface Options {
         * Files to include in the release commit. Set to `false` to disable adding files to the release commit.
         * @default ['', 'package.json', 'package-lock.json', 'npm-shrinkwrap.json']
         * @description
         * Can be an Array or a single entry. Each entry can be either:
         * - a glob
         * - or an Object with a path property containing a glob.
         * Each entry in the assets Array is globbed individually. A glob can be a String ("dist/\*\*\/\*.js" or "dist/mylib.js") or an Array of Strings that will be globbed together (["dist/\*\*", "!\*\*\/\*.css"]).
         * If a directory is configured, all the files under this directory and its children will be included.
         * Note: If a file has a match in assets it will be included even if it also has a match in .gitignore.
         * @example
         * // include all js files in the dist directory, but not in its sub-directories.
         * 'dist/*.js'
         * // include all js files in the dist directory and its sub-directories.
         * 'dist/**\/*.js'
         * // include all files in the dist directory and its sub-directories excluding the css files.
         * [['dist', '!**\/*.css']]
         * // include package.json and all files in the dist directory and its sub-directories excluding the css files.
         * [['dist', '!**\/*.css'], 'package.json']
         * // include all js and css files in the dist directory and its sub-directories excluding the minified version.
         * [['dist/**\/*.{js,css}', '!**\/*.min.*']]
        assets?: AssetEntry | AssetEntry[] | false
         * The message for the release commit.
         * @default `chore(release): ${nextRelease.version} [skip ci]\n\n${nextRelease.notes}`
         * @description
         * The message for the release commit is generated with Lodash template. The following variables are available:
         * | Parameter         | Description |
         * | ----------------- | ----------- |
         * | branch            | The branch from which the release is done. |
         * |       | The branch name. |
         * | branch.type       | The type of branch. |
         * |    | The distribution channel on which to publish releases from this branch. |
         * | branch.range      | The range of semantic versions to support on this branch. |
         * | branch.prerelease | The pre-release detonation to append to semantic versions released from this branch. |
         * | lastRelease       | Object with version, gitTag and gitHead of the last release. |
         * | nextRelease       | Object with version, gitTag, gitHead and notes of the release being done. |
         * Note: It is recommended to include `[skip ci]` in the commit message to not trigger a new build. Some CI service support the `[skip ci]` keyword only in the subject of the message.
         * #### `message` examples
         * The `message` `Release <%= nextRelease.version %> - <%= new Date().toLocaleDateString('en-US', {year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }) %> [skip ci]\n\n<%= nextRelease.notes %>` will generate the commit message:
         * > Release v1.0.0 - Oct. 21, 2015 1:24 AM [skip ci]
         * >
         * > ## 1.0.0
         * > 
         * > ### Features
         * > * Generate 1.21 gigawatts of electricity
         * > 
         * > ...
        message?: string,


I'd add labels if I was allowed to.
labels: feature, plugin:git




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