As the GPG documentation on this plugin's README is getting a bit old, does not mention a good GitHub Actions solution, and is a bit confusing, it would benefit from being refreshed.
Worth mentioning that if we progress towards getting semantic-release/semantic-release#1871 merged, it would be worth moving the GPG instructions directly into the web documentation (maybe even preemptively).
Things that could/should be included in the future documentation:
as discussed in GPG Signatures Configuration #438.- to meet the "require verified commits" branch protection requirement, the documentation suggests adding the generated GPG key to the account owning the GitHub token used for release, which is hazardous, given a user with push access to the repository could then retrieve it and use it to impersonate you. That approach would be secure only if using a dedicated bot account (ideally per repository).
- the issue above would not apply to signing tags, because the branch protection rule does not apply to them