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Releases: sebranly/dmz

[v1.12.0] Season 04

17 Jun 18:05
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Following the release of Season 04 for the DMZ video game (on June, 14th), this website has been updated as follows:

Late changes related to Season 03 Reloaded

  • Fixed a sentence in the FAQ that implicitly presumed Koschei Complex did not have dead drops when it actually has at least one

Changes related to Season 04

  • Added mentions of the new map (Vondel) to the FAQ
  • Added mentions of the upgrades and the wallet to the FAQ
  • Updated the value of some items including dog tags as per the official patch notes
  • Edited Quick options section in order to reflect the upgrades that can be bought to reduce the cooldown times
  • Edited the two tools for interactive maps to two new ones that seem more complete as they have all five maps
    • if you're the maintainer/contributor of an interactive map for DMZ and that your tool contains all five maps, please feel free to create an issue so that I can consider adding your tool to the list

[v1.11.0] Season 03 Reloaded

18 May 17:42
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This update focuses on two main changes coming from Season 03 Reloaded in-game:

  • patch about the heartbeat sensor that would award lots of time reduction
  • existence of Koschei Complex which is a new Exclusion Zone

[v1.10.0] Season 03

01 May 23:43
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This update modifies the website to reflect moving onto Season 03 on the game side. It also enhances some parts not specific to Season 03.

  • add anchor links in order to have sections that can be shared easily
  • enhance FAQ answers by adding colors, bold, italics, etc. to make them more readable
  • add a TL;DR section for players that only have a few seconds before the launch of a new game
  • add the money/time equivalent for some items such as the heartbeat sensor ($80k), any weapon ($4k) and all dog tags (bronze, silver, gold and damascus)
  • edit the FAQ to refer to new additions such as the Heavy Chopper, the Private Exfil, etc. (S03-specific)
  • add a Quick Option to reflect the 15-min cooldown from the Store Bundle (S03-specific)

Below is a screenshot of the first screen now visible on mobile:

Screenshot 2023-05-02 at 01 32 11

[v1.9.0] Season 02 Reloaded and Season 03 Timer

23 Mar 18:28
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This update slightly modifies the website to reflect moving onto Season 02 Reloaded on the game side.
It also includes a timer for Season 03 Release Date, which is shared in-game as days left until release, and more precisely as days and hours left until release when accessing Ranked Play.

[v1.8.0] Daily Challenges Timer

14 Mar 16:40
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This website update adds a new timer under the Other Timers section:

  • timer until next reset for Daily Challenges: although these challenges are currently not present inside the DMZ video game itself, they are part of WZ2 and MW2 and allow you to acquire XP points that serves DMZ evolution

[v1.7.1] Building 21 Timer

12 Mar 00:39
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This update does two things:

  • it fixes an incorrect statement regarding dead drop locations for Building 21
  • it adds a timer specific to Building 21, which shows the weekly cycle with
    • opening time being on Fridays (officially visible thanks to the in-game timer)
    • closing time being on Mondays (not visible in-game until it closes)

[v1.6.0] DMZ Interactive Maps

03 Mar 17:42
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This update links to two external websites that I find useful for locating dead drops. Dead drops are a core piece of money-to-time conversion.

[v1.5.1] Tailwind

01 Mar 18:51
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This update contains a migration from CSS to TailwindCSS. Because of this change, some styling has been slightly altered (colors and spacing for instance). Overall, functionality has been kept the same.

[v1.5.0] Building 21

27 Feb 16:22
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This update adds more FAQ information around Building 21 (map introduced in Season 01 and seeing some changes in Season 02). All the following changes are from the game, and are now being explained on the website:

  • Use of elevator for Building 21 (as opposed to chopper)
  • Existence of dead drops in Building 21
  • Access Card is now single-use
  • Same money-to-time conversion rates
  • No support of assimilation

[v1.4.0] Season 02

19 Feb 17:08
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Following the release of Season 02 for the DMZ video game (on February, 15th), this website has been updated as follows:

Late changes related to Season 01

  • A total of up to 6 players (and their respective timers) is supported (with their respective colors similar to those in-game). It allows the user to give assimilated players a favor by helping them retrieve their lost, insured weapons, if applicable
  • Tweaked the wording of the website because of the existence of Building 21

Changes related to Season 02

  • Updated the wording around dog tags to take into account the fact that there are now several types of dog tags: bronze, silver, gold and damascus
  • Updated the YouTube reference video from S01 to S02
  • Updated the "Quick option" to reflect the new values for insured slots: from 2-hour, 4-hour and 6-hour timers to 1-hour, 2-hour and 3-hour timers
  • Explained the bug around sensitive documents in the FAQ: they show up in the total of the backpack yet are not being taken into account for time reduction
  • Tweaked the wording of the website because of the addition of Ashika Island
  • Tweaked the FAQ (e.g. the locations of dead drops have now changed, weapons can be dropped into them, etc.) and added [New] prefix for some questions

Overal improvements

  • Improved the wording of the website (e.g. Timer ID became Insured Slot)
  • Custom timer is now set to 1-hour on page load (value of first Insured Slot) rather than 0-hour (null value)
  • Prevented the user from going over the maximum possible value for timers: as the maximum is now a 3-hour timer in-game, the user cannot setup anything longer than this duration (it cannot be 3h59m59s for instance)
  • The user can now directly edit an existing timer rather than having to delete it and add it back
  • Improved the structure of the website so that a change of values (e.g. conversion rates) coming from the game would take less time to be implemented on the website