This is an issue with dependency requirements incompatibility. Your package sebastian/phpcpd requires sebsatian/version ^2
which differs from the 1.x version only with regard to the PHP version requirement and some smaller code improvements.
My problem is, coming from the Drupal community, that I would like to use e.g. dealerdirect/qa-tools which requires sebastian/phpcpd and therefore requires sebastian/version ^2
. Drupal itself (as of Drupal 8.5.x) requires phpunit >=4.8.5 < 5, and, as previously mentioned, phpunit 4.x requires sebastian/version ^1.
Unfortunately, in Drupal projects these tools can't be used.
As a solution I wonder if you were able to change the version requirement here in sebastian/phpcpd for sebastian/version to ^1 | ^2
. That would allow all projects that still require phpunit <5 to also use a lot of other packages that also utilize your amazing tools.