Command-line client to publish and consume messages from a Kafka topic.
git clone
cd kafka-client
Currently, the cli assumes you will be connecting to an IBM Cloud managed instance of Kafka (IBM Event Streams). The credentials for the instance are provided in a json file that can be retrieved from the cloud instance.
Note: The
script depends on the jq
cli. If you do not have it installed follow the Prerequisite instructions to install it.
Log into the IBM Cloud cli
ibmcloud login
Find the name of the Event Streams service instance. The service instances can be listed on the command-line with the following:
ibmcloud resource service-instances
Run the
script to download the credentials intokafka-config.json
is the name of the Event Streams service instance
./docker-kafka-client consume -c /config/kafka-config.json -t OutboundTranslatedMessage
./docker-kafka-client publish -c /config/kafka-config.json -t inboundUntranslatedMessage
npm install
This command connects to a topic and consumes messages as they arrive, printing the message contents to the console. Press Ctrl-C to close the connection to the Kafka instance and return to the terminal.
./kafka-client consume -c ./kafka-config.json -t my-topic
This command publishes events to the provided topic. Once the connection is established with the Kafka instance, you will be prompted for a message to put to the topic. Press Ctrl-C to exit the prompt. Alternatively, you can provide a message at the end of the publish command to send one message and complete the command.
./kafka-client publish -c ./kafka-config.json -t my-topic
./kafka-client publish -c ./kafka-config.json -t my-topic "single message"
The recommended way to install NodeJS is through Node Version Manager (NVM). Detailed instructions and troubleshooting information is provided on the page but the following will install NVM:
curl -o- | bash
The script updates the profile for your shell so you will either need to open a new terminal or run one of the following, depending on which shell you are using:
bash: source ~/.bashrc
zsh: source ~/.zshrc
ksh: . ~/.profile
JQ is a very useful utility to work with JSON data on the command-line. It can be installed simply with the following commands:
Install with Homebrew
brew install jq
curl -Lso /usr/local/bin/jq && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/jq