The iOS Example Application demonstrates the basic usage of UI components. The application includes examples of initializing UI components with different configurations. It enables you to process tokenization, refunds, and charge requests.
Make sure to replace the placeholder authorization data with your own to successfully execute the requests.
enum DemoAuth {
static let secretKey: String = "sk_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
static let environment: SeamlessPay.Environment = .staging
static let proxyAccountId: String? = "MRT_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
You can also modify the field configuration yourself and initialize UI components with this data.
init(authorization: Authorization, type: CardFormContentType) {
let fieldOptions = FieldOptions.default
switch type {
case .single:
cardForm = SingleLineCardForm(
authorization: authorization,
fieldOptions: fieldOptions
case .multi:
cardForm = MultiLineCardForm(
config: config,
fieldOptions: fieldOptions
Once you have completed the setup, select the "Example" scheme, and run the project.